About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



insert tagboard code here

Music | BoA |
Images | Rasalom HomePage |
Layout | Fallen Angel Designs |


School's out. YAY!!! .... yay.....

*falls asleep*

I am so tired. My brother came up on Friday and we stayed up till 5........30...... playing Warcraft 3. It was lots of fun! We died right near the end though... It was that multiplayer spirity one where you pick a hero and go through this dungeon type place. He needs to come back so we can play again!

I'm sorry for defending my hobbies. I'm sorry for defending my life. >>>>>><<<<<<<

Stinkers. Die. Er....be shot.

I'm helping out with VBS this week. The theme is "Rackshaw Rally", or in other words, Japanese. It's really cool! The props in Kim's room are fun fun! Her aunt is Japanese so it was easy for her to get fans and things. Yay.
I dressed up sort of orientalish today(fits the theme, duh XP) and I gave Benty some chop sticks to put in her hair. There was this one, sweet little girl that would say, "Look at the Japanese girls!" everytime she saw us ^^ When it was time to leave she came up to me and asked why I had sticks in my hair. I told her that japanese girls would put their hair up with them and it would make them look pretty. You could take them out and eat with them to! She thought that was so cool. "Bye Japanese girl!" I have to dress up again tomorrow, just for her ^^

I don't want to doooooo anythiiiiiiiing. Nope. Nothing. I didn't even want to update this but I made myself. I've been making myself do a lot of things lately. I finally got my pictures scanned(oh yeah! Gotta update my art page!) , I got this updated, I woke up this morning... It's amazing! I need to go get dreamweaver and put it on here too. I need to find it first. My website is lonely T_T

I should go to that now.


Current listenings :: radio
Current eats :: nuffin
Current moods :: mix between furious and happy

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 2:54 PM


Are the posts getting shorter?


I haven't had time to completely write out my thoughts.



Maybe tonight. If I'm still awake.

Have to work.


Currents - nothing

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 5:37 PM


Well, school is finally OVER WITH! Kinda .... I still have to take that regents on Friday but I think I'll be okay. I studied for a while today. Finished up "Weather and Climate" and "Geologic Time". I think that's what they were called anyway. Maybe I should study more ^^;;

I thought things would be great after school got out. Well, they are. But they could be better. The computer is being naughty. I can barely turn it on without it rebooting again. Stinky thinks it's Sasser but I'm pretty sure it's that controversy between XP and the net. Something not compatable... Or the guy that built it had corrupted software. So, I haven't had a chance to work or scan in my sketches. I've been waiting to have time to work on them for so long, and now I'm out of school and the computer is pooey. Ah well, at least I'm free. Almost.

I think that's all for now. I don't want to make things too long or the computer will shut down and everything I write will be lost(happened earlier).

Good days.


Current Music :: nothing
Current Eats :: nothing
Current Moods :: content

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 10:52 PM


At the moment I can't even think of my dad without crying. I'm so mad at him, but the stupid thing is, he didn't do anything wrong. He's just telling me what to do like he's supposed to. But I hate it. I love my dad, he's a great guy, but I always dread that time when he comes in the house because I don't know if he'll be in a good mood or a bad one, or if he'll lecture me again on how I have to do so much better at everything then my other siblings, or how I can do something stupid, or just something that I can't handle him saying to me. I remember once when he said something to me that really upset me and he freaked out and said, "Can't I even talk to my kids without them crying?!"

I'm too tired to cry, but I am. I'm such and idiot. I wish I could have gone back with my brother and Eri. I should have gone to church this morning with my mom. I was thinking about it but she would have been gone before I got to her.

I should go back to studying before my sister wakes up and sees me crying.


Current Music = none
Current eats = I think I just ate a cupcake
Current Mood = confused, frustrated, furious, depressed, stressed, all of the above

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 9:23 AM


First off I need to apologize for not updating. We got a new computer a couple weeks ago and it's been naughty. I was going to update this and my webpage at the same time but since dreamweaver was never put on here since we're going to get a different puter....

Bad me.

I probably won't be able to update much this coming week because I have finals and so much stuff to study for. I was studying for my Earth Science regents a bit ago and I'm taking a break.

I have a shop now at Gaia. I'm selling my awesome marshmallow squishy toy/pet things that I drew during science class. Bad me. They're not selling well yet but that's because I have a really .... I mean REALLY bad layout. You can barely see the pictures through the "SAMPLE" letters. Not good. Not good at all. Once school gets out I'm going to redo it all. I'm hopefully going to get them to animate sometime soon. Sometime. Soon. It'd be nice to get up an avvi shop too. Not today though.

I'm getting my new glasses on wensday! Yay! I'll have to post a picture.

Oh yeah! Check my art page for updates.

Stuff happened yesterday. MY BROTHER GOT MARRIED! Wow. That's all...I really have to say. Wow. It was so sudden. No one really knew about it until the day before. Wow.

Since my computer is being naughty I shouldn't make my posts long(it's been giving me the blue screen of death and it likes to do that when I'm making something or writing stuff like this).


Current Music - None, my connection just died
Current eats - COOKAYS
Current Moodies - Almost not stressed

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 3:16 PM


I hate school

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 5:35 PM