About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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I want hair like...


sorry the quality stinks so bad. I'd fix it if I could

Now this is me telling me to dream on....

"Lee.... Dream on."


0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 9:52 PM


Current Vocal Artist - Morning Musume
Current Obsession - (bodily)looks : /
Current Dance Desires - DDR, Rave dancing!!
Current Pains - Ribs(sit ups...)
Current Desires to Create - Kitty hats, gloves
Current "Childhood" Wishes(things I wish I would have learned as a child) - singing, japanese language
Current "I wish I could..." - knit, sew
Currently Waiting For - My Rocket Dog shoes, morning
Current Fears - school, exauhstion
Current Laughs Over - Fake Eyelashes?!, Daisy Afro Wig
Current Hair Obsession - Asian style, med/short spikey piggies
Current Awesome Manga - Azumanga Diaoh "Fugedaboudit!"
Current Song - Love Revolution 21
Current Wannabe - Jpop girl
Current Cuteness - Domo-kun
Current Subscription - FRUiTS
Current Video Game Wants - Phantom Brave, Okage, Threads of Fate, those awesome japanese RPGs that I could never have
Current Procrastination - Exist, finishing scarf, sending letters, breaking it to you
Current Obligation - going to Jo's for two weeks
Current Disgust - Myself
Current Style - Slob
Current Question - How do you make a kitty hat?
Current "Will I ever" - sleep again, make comics, sew well, knit well, look how I want, get a hair person to do what I tell them to do, get over it?
Current Awesomeness - Luca
Current Frustration - things missing a wheel(every wheeling thing in my room)
Current Anime Want - Haibane Remnei
Current Stuckethness - Cookie and Cream - the Moon boss, Arc the Lad - I forget, FFX - Sin/Jecht, Kingdom Hearts - That guy in the desert in Agraba
Current Tears - nobody knows...

Current Music - Utada Hikaru - Dareka no Negai ga
Current Food - nothing
Current Mood - I don't know

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 11:17 PM

Up until now I thought I was just overtired. Now I really think there's something wrong with me. Even if my room wasn't so bright, even if it was quiet in the morning I don't think I could sleep in.

I feel like I'm dying.

I can't see, I can barely move. I keep getting really dizzy and almost falling over and I can't eat anything. Plus I'm having emotional difficulties. yay.

I just want to go to sleep. I don't want to dream and I don't want to wake up for a long time.

My dreams have been awful. I've had two dreams that Lord Conti was a druggie and a drinking and he wanted to die, two that mum was going to have a baby, and two with people throwing up. I guess it's my turn next. I'd go into detail but I'd like to keep this a G rated page.


0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 10:55 AM


Whoa! I am so amazingly smart. I got the comments back up! I looked in the help section *proud*

-Lee Beth

.::. Lisa .::. 11:40 PM

mah flippies!!

mah doggie project! COMPLETE!! YAAAY!

whew... now, onto something else.

I met some really cool people yesterday! Well, it was more like I interacted with two guys.... Kinda. I was talking to my mom when we were on our way to Passena about how I would rather play DDR with another person in the arcade and I wish I could just walk up on the other platform when someone gets ready to play and go with them. That would be scawesom_! GUESS WHAT! Let me go into detailies...

My mum had to go to a doctors appointment so I basically played and watched others play DDR for some couple hours. I still wasn't feeling good that day(I'm not today either) so I kept failing some of the simplest songs. I had to take my fake chucks off too because they slip on the mats. I was a sockie DDR failer. So for a while I just sat in the food court and watched people play. There wasn't a whole lot of action because, well, people don't understand the concept of it.

Then this guy and his friend went in to play. They seemed around my age, maybe a little older. Not younger though, I'm pretty sure. Man, I don't even remember what he looked like. All I remember is he had green(?) braces and cool shoes(cause I was watching his feet for a long time). His friend didn't play at all. I expected he would but he just stood around and played shooting games. Fun, but not as fun as the infamous Dance Dance Revolution.

*cough* So anyway... He was really good! But get this, it didn't make me hate him ^^;; He could do lots of stuff on heavy, 9 step things, but it was hard. He did well too, but it wasn't just pressing buttons to him. He was actually playing the game. For example... he wasn't doing this...

No, he was.... different. He wasn't there to show off his "mad skillz", he was there because it was fun. He was really super awesomely good, but he knows he can get better and be the MASTA!

I feel like I'm rambling. I am. "Are you ever going to get to the point?!" Maybe...

ANYWAY! I stared at him for a while and I think I might have freaked him out a little. After he was pooped I went to take a shot at it. I knew I was doing bad that day but I denied it and just wanted to go up there and let him know that I'm not just a spectator, even though I felt like I was going to throw up. I think I did BREAK DOWN!, Rythem and Police, and stupid me tried End of the Century on standard. I knew I could do it before but I was having a bad day with the feet, legs, stomach, and slippies. But yeah, right at the beginning I failed in End of the Century. I felt dumb(I should have! I think I deserved it!) and was kind of bummed because I was failing all day and now I failed in front of a super dude. I knew he was watching me the whole time but it surprised me when I turned around and saw him stand RIGHT THERE. Ah! He spoketh! Ah! What do I do?! Ah!


"Wanna go again?"


I thought he was asking if I just wanted to try again and with the bummishness I was in I just shrugged and kind of looked upset. But then it hit me like a seagull pooing on my head(poor jewels... XD). He wanted me to play a round with him! Whoa! Of course I want to go again! I can't stand up! But of course I want to go again!!

"You sure?"


"Yeah, I guess I could"


We actually had a real conversation. I don't remember anything about it. But I know we had one. Which was really cool. So he chose the first and last songs and I chose the middle one. I liked it better that way because if I had chosen them all I think they would have been too easy for him even though he was on heavy the whole time. I did try one on heavy. I don't remember the names but it wasn't too hard, but I would have failed on my own. Drop the Bomb maybe.

He was super polite and nice. It's so cool to talk to a nice guy. Yes, indeed. He asked me if it was okay to take the player 2 mat, if i wanted rounds 1 and 3 or 2, if I wanted to try one on heavy.

We both didn't do too well by the end, he was tired. But he had to run too so he might have been distracted. I didn't say much afterwards. I get kind of tense in situations like that. I just grabbed my shoes and sat down to put them on. He said thanks for the game a couple times but had to rush off. It was super cool though. He said he went there often, about every weekend and hadn't ever seen me there. I told him I lived about an hour away so I didn't get to go a whole lot. Maybe he goes on saturdays for the free games? I'd like to see him again sometime. I'd like to be better when I do though.

Heh, heh. That's only the first one. Now, the PRETZEL GUY(v. 2.0). It's not a long story though. I could make it long but I won't. It was just cute. I wanted to get a drink on my way out of the mall so I stopped at the pretzel place and asked for a strawberry lemonade. The guy was a funny looking guy. In a cute way. He's looked like the kind of guy I'd want to put on a leash and walk to school. Well, here's the story

He smiled at me!


Seriously, it was a cute moment. Maybe it was because I was pleasent. Maybe it was because of my kitty hat. Maybe it was because I was all sweaty and gross.


I've discovered I love to meet new people.


music? nopies
food? arr...crackers
mood? happy!

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 12:53 PM


Woohoo! 100 posts! I'm so cool!

I'm not feeling so good so I'm going to try to keep it short. I was up helplessly late last night and couldn't sleep in either. I think I'm sick because of the lack of eye closing. I can't even see clearly.

Just a note: I'm trying to get comments back up but there's something screwy going on with the layout. There seems to be some kind of controversy. I WILL figure this out!!

Jared and his girlfriend came up the other day. She's loads of fun! Well... she doesn't say much so none of us have really talked to her much ... but she's awesome as DDR! I told her I used to think I was good after we played. Hah! I hope Jared keeps her around. I want to compete with her! After she left we all hopped on the DDR so we could get better. She really inspired us all. Her brother does DDR P-R-O-F-E-S-S-I-O-N-A-L-L-Y!!! That's awesom_! I want to get so much better now!

It was funny when we started because we were just picking random songs and going on light for Jared's sake. He's worse then Jo(but she is getting better, she just looks funny when she does it). But then we started moving on, getting into the flow and when she and Jared did one together she put it on HEAVY. Whoa! I think she was being, for lack of a better word, modest because she doesn't really know us well. I wonder how good she really is....

Hey! I have to stay at Jo's for a couple weeks... maybe she'll be there? Ah, no they'll probably be back at college by then. Poo... I wanted just one more round...

Well, I'm going to Passena with mum tomorrow to get sewing/crochetting supplies. I'll probably do a couple rounds there. Maybe I'll pick up a book. I want to get a video game too. I can't spend all my money though because I want to get this and this and this subscription to FRUiTS. Donations are more than welcome. ^^;

I'm off to bed now. Much tired. Much sickie. I hope I feel up to DDR tomorrow...

AH! KRUMPY GOT ME AWESOM_ FLIPPIES! XD I'll post a picture tomorrow!!


Food? Nopies
Music? Yeppies - Superchick - Hero(Red Pill remix)
Mood? content! Awesom_!

Oh! One more thing. Luca, thanks so much for everything. You are much awesom_. I've been trying to call you for two days but I can't get a hold of you!! Be home sometime! We're going to drop by on our way back from krumpy's college

1 comments .::. Lisa .::. 12:52 AM


I hate to complain.... so I won't this time.

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 9:57 PM


Well, I'm just sitting around in the hotel. I be in Florida. I'm still alive too! A rambunctious young man stopped by the other night. He sure was full of energy. He was a little worn out from the journey by the time her got here. He did do a good amount of damage though. Charlie I think his name was...


We were on the quiet side of the hotel. There was a bunch of rain, something fell outside our window, and the power hiccuped a lot. Nothing exciting.

I really don't like writing about things that happened. I am though. And I don't like it...

When we left for the Holy Land the next day we saw all the REALLY bad damage. When I get home I'm going to post pictures in my gallery at existence. I'll get up pictures of the Holy Land too.

We haven't been doing much, but that's okay with me. I'd rather be in the hotel drawing. I would like to go to Japan II though. We were supposed to go today but my mom isn't feeling well. I hope she feels better tomorrow. Both my parents feel bad about us staying in the hotel this whole time but I don't really care. I don't like the thought of having to wake up early, stuff your face because your not going to eat all day(pricing) and walk around in the heat until there is not more heat.

I really would like to go to the fake Japan though.

I'm really tired. I haven't been able to sleep in at all. Since I can't get to sleep before midnight I don't get a whole lot of time. Well, 8 hours does sound like a lot. I usually get more than that though. I usually try to at least stay in bed till 10.



0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 3:09 PM


I feel like Sakaki today...

Why do pathetic adorable things have to be vicious?

1 comments .::. Lisa .::. 5:49 PM


I actually want to be sewing and crouqeting but sewing is hurting my brain right now because I really have to think this pattern through and I don' t know how to start another row with crouqeting. So sad.
I am kinda lonely right now, but I don't want to talk to anyone. I'm being a drug again. I was so happy today. It was a permenent smile most of the day. Right up until my mom said we were spending 3 days in a car rather than 2. Not fun. I hate being cramped up in a car. Then I just got quiet and lonely. I didn't want Mom to go to bed because I wanted her somewhere around me. I know she'll still be hanging around in the morning but I have to do a lot of work again tomorrow and work makes me grouchy(as you may have noticed).

I feel really bad about venting like that the other day. I feel like a sticky moron for freaking out over stupidness. Bah.

I want to be writing right now. I should have picked up a notebook today. I really want to write a story. That doesn't happen often. I just need more ambition. I want to continue the story titled "I ran" (name is only temporary, until I finish the book and come up with something spoon-like) only I want to change the main character to a girl. I guess that would be better because I can actually directly relate that way. I need to find it and type up some things. My problem is I always get stuck and I have a hard time connecting everything together.

I'm kind of sick of poo-ey people now and I wish I could just move on with life without having to worry about everyone. Why do you have to have feelings I can hurt?


I'm not doing much at all right now. There are so many things I want to do but I don't have any ambition. Maybe I'll get a guestbook for my site. Yeah, run fun.


current music - Pillar - Bring me down
current eats - just finished a sammich
current feelings - too tired for those

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 10:35 PM

Current project(s)


Making a stuffed of the dog in Magic Pengel

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 12:37 AM



0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 8:01 PM


Once mom said we were getting paid to do these things that other girl raced around to get everything done so she could add to her already 200 or so dollar drawer. It's not like I am trying to paay of those 60$ I owe her. It's not like I have to earn some money by monday for florida. It's not like I'm broke. She's upstairs taking over my room playing the 50$ game I bought(she's played 5 hours, I've play 1 and she's still up there). Half of my room is covered in clothes she decided to fold(to get money of course) while playing the game; she'll be there longer. I just want to go to my stinkin room and tear things apart and cry still I puke. I don't mind her being in there once in a while, but I'd rather not have her living in there.

Yeah I'm over-reacting. So .... eat my leg. I'm just a tad upset about coming home and not being about to be alone at all. I seem to be the only one who's really upset about Sandy too. She's really gone. I don't know what to do now. She's been here my whole life.

I know. Life will go on. But.... you crap head.

So, I don't care that my writing is more like spurts of half-thoughts. I just want to go to my room and eat my pillow or something.

Too bad it's occupied.


Currents: crap crap and more stinkin crap.

1 comments .::. Lisa .::. 8:01 PM


Normally I would write all about what I did all week starting in the morning and ending at that night, then starting on the next day, but sadly enough I can't remember everything we did. I had no idea what the days were all week, so let me try my best...

We arrived on July 21st after a very long morning. Mostly I was woken up badly and it sent me right into a bad mood. You never....EVER wake me up saying "Get up! We're leaving in 10 minutes with or without you."
Granny Grunt came with us which was fine, I had just hoped to steal the front seat(I get nauseous in the back) and get to talk to my mom for a while. We didn't stop at the donut shop like we usually do so I starved for four hours.

Anyway, we got there alive. That was cool.

We gave Eri DDR Max2! She really likes it. Me too. Cap-y-tan three.

There was quite some stress that night when Eri's mom called and torn into her because she found out Eri got married.... Things were rough. I think my mom talked to her some and she calmed down. After that we didn't answer the phone.

I learned how to sew while I was there! Eri and Luca helped me. You should see the kids! They're awesom! Without the E! I'm trying to get my webpage updated now that I have dreamweaver but I'm having some trouble. When my dad gets home I'll ask him about it. I'll get the links back up too.

Luca got a job at subway! That's really good! Well, sad that she wasn't around all day but good because....well, it's a job. She said mostly her co-workers are very nice, but there's one girl that could cause trouble, but overall it's good good.

One day when we were bringing Luca to work we kind of.... got hit by a car. *cough* That guy was a jerk. He ramed into us and started driving away! Lord Conti jumped out of the car and chased after him. That guy was a real bone head. Hah.. We couldn't do anything about it though because we didn't think to call the police and Lord Conti couldn't understand much of what the guy was saying. I think the police were being pretty dense about it too when we went there...

Let's see... what else happened? I think it was mostly hanging around and playing Magic Pengel(man, I'm addicted to that game). Oh! We did go to the thrift store and got some cool things. The poo-head old lady did rip us off and was poo-ey about it. She charged Eri 6 dollars for a pack of socks when she said it was a dollar for the pack. She's mental. Luca took them back in and after a bit of arguing and getting frustrated the other lady at the desk forced a return. Good.

That's all I can remember at the moment. When they came here for the reception we still had fun though. DDR, magic pengel, taking pictures, exploring the woods. Fun stuff. We had the reception too which was enjoyable....kind of. Towards the end Luca and I were getting really cranky about things. I'm disappointed about the music too. So disappointed I even had a dream about it. I gave the guy that was playing the piano about 5 or 6 songs(sheet music) which mostly consisted of video game soundtracks. I gave them to him about 2 weeks ahead and he was fine with it. He never played them. I suppose he forgot... But I spent all that time and Lord Conti and Eri specifically asked me to get together the music. I was really looking foreward to it...

It was sad to see them go but I didn't get extremely depressed this time. We played DDR in the arcade just before they left which I think made things better.

Well, other than happenings, let's talk about feelings.

I'm thoroughly confused, frustrated, peeved and ... pooey. That about sums it up. I hate it here and I want to go away. Or at least have everyone else go away. Rawr. You stupids. Just leave me alone! Why can't you let me be happy!!!!?!??!?!?!?! RAAAAWR...


now I'm angry.


current eats :: none
current sounds :: Dead Poetics - New medicines
current feelings :: WHO KNOWS?! rawr?

1 comments .::. Lisa .::. 5:31 PM