About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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Layout | Fallen Angel Designs |


Normally I would write all about what I did all week starting in the morning and ending at that night, then starting on the next day, but sadly enough I can't remember everything we did. I had no idea what the days were all week, so let me try my best...

We arrived on July 21st after a very long morning. Mostly I was woken up badly and it sent me right into a bad mood. You never....EVER wake me up saying "Get up! We're leaving in 10 minutes with or without you."
Granny Grunt came with us which was fine, I had just hoped to steal the front seat(I get nauseous in the back) and get to talk to my mom for a while. We didn't stop at the donut shop like we usually do so I starved for four hours.

Anyway, we got there alive. That was cool.

We gave Eri DDR Max2! She really likes it. Me too. Cap-y-tan three.

There was quite some stress that night when Eri's mom called and torn into her because she found out Eri got married.... Things were rough. I think my mom talked to her some and she calmed down. After that we didn't answer the phone.

I learned how to sew while I was there! Eri and Luca helped me. You should see the kids! They're awesom! Without the E! I'm trying to get my webpage updated now that I have dreamweaver but I'm having some trouble. When my dad gets home I'll ask him about it. I'll get the links back up too.

Luca got a job at subway! That's really good! Well, sad that she wasn't around all day but good because....well, it's a job. She said mostly her co-workers are very nice, but there's one girl that could cause trouble, but overall it's good good.

One day when we were bringing Luca to work we kind of.... got hit by a car. *cough* That guy was a jerk. He ramed into us and started driving away! Lord Conti jumped out of the car and chased after him. That guy was a real bone head. Hah.. We couldn't do anything about it though because we didn't think to call the police and Lord Conti couldn't understand much of what the guy was saying. I think the police were being pretty dense about it too when we went there...

Let's see... what else happened? I think it was mostly hanging around and playing Magic Pengel(man, I'm addicted to that game). Oh! We did go to the thrift store and got some cool things. The poo-head old lady did rip us off and was poo-ey about it. She charged Eri 6 dollars for a pack of socks when she said it was a dollar for the pack. She's mental. Luca took them back in and after a bit of arguing and getting frustrated the other lady at the desk forced a return. Good.

That's all I can remember at the moment. When they came here for the reception we still had fun though. DDR, magic pengel, taking pictures, exploring the woods. Fun stuff. We had the reception too which was enjoyable....kind of. Towards the end Luca and I were getting really cranky about things. I'm disappointed about the music too. So disappointed I even had a dream about it. I gave the guy that was playing the piano about 5 or 6 songs(sheet music) which mostly consisted of video game soundtracks. I gave them to him about 2 weeks ahead and he was fine with it. He never played them. I suppose he forgot... But I spent all that time and Lord Conti and Eri specifically asked me to get together the music. I was really looking foreward to it...

It was sad to see them go but I didn't get extremely depressed this time. We played DDR in the arcade just before they left which I think made things better.

Well, other than happenings, let's talk about feelings.

I'm thoroughly confused, frustrated, peeved and ... pooey. That about sums it up. I hate it here and I want to go away. Or at least have everyone else go away. Rawr. You stupids. Just leave me alone! Why can't you let me be happy!!!!?!??!?!?!?! RAAAAWR...


now I'm angry.


current eats :: none
current sounds :: Dead Poetics - New medicines
current feelings :: WHO KNOWS?! rawr?

1 comments .::. Lisa .::. 5:31 PM



it's almost 930 on wednesday morning and i am at THE LIBRARY. the guestbook at the kids gallery wouldn't link, so i came here.


also, i miss you. is that wierd for me to say? i spent most of my time with you and had alot of fun and am now forced to think of things to do alone again. and it's lame.

making monsters is less fun when you are alone. i think i'll get started on your mixed tapes.

<3 e.

you should explain to me my nickname because i don't get it. i am assuming (did i even spell that correctly?) that it's from anime or a game. and we both know just how deep my well of knowledge is concerning things of that nature. it's kind of like a cookie sheet. shallow, and best used for making cookies.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:24 AM  

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