About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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I've been kicked out of my room....again. If there aren't men in there tearing things down...there are men doing construction in there. And if there aren't any men in there....my sister is in there sleeping in MY bed. Where I should be. But instead....I'm everywhere else! GAAH!!

I haven't had a good night sleep in ..... well, about a year now. Maybe. Close to that. Maybe 9 months. Close. I could have slept so well last night. No one was talking to me while I was trying to sleep. No cat was jumping on me. There were no noises. It was late. I was tired. I slept.....for an hour. Then the cat started hacking again. I think I listened to him for ten minutes before realizing he was really coughing and it wasn't a dream. So, of course, I have to get up and put him out EVEN THOUGH he isn't even MY cat. And EVEN THOUGH he is my SISTER'S cat. And EVEN THOUGH she was awake!!

Then I couldn't sleep in this morning because there were more men at my house cleaning. I was wondering for the longest time what that suction noise was.

Twas the vaccum.

And then of course it's noon and I could at least try to go back to bed but SOMEONE is still in my room.....sleeping in my bed. WHERE I SHOULD BE!!

I'm too nice.


Current Music: The vaccum cleaner

Currently eating/drinking: grapes of wr-.....I mean.....grapes

Current Mood: very tired/aggrivated

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 11:36 AM


I'm still alive!!! I've been playing alot of SNES games lately. Trying to beat them while I still .... well........ remember.

Was in the mini olympics yesterday. That must have been the only day this year that I've had lots of fun. Well, for the half of the day anyway. I got really mad (REALLY mad, like I'm going to shoot you mad) at these dumpy kids after half the day was over. Cysse and I were the only ones trying to have fun from our team so while we were trying to get the rest of the team roudy some idiot dumpy kids started swearing and saying crude things to me from the other bleachers. Yeah, I wanted to shoot them. Alot. I didn't care about giving them pain. I just wanted to shoot them and get it over with for both of us.

I am too kind.

There were alot of games and races I wanted to be in but they always had enough people when I got there. It was always the same people. Oh well. I had fun. I even got our team some points! Yes! Me, the not athletic one!! BWAH HA HA HA!!

At lunch I had soda....which isn't good when I am in a good mood. You see, soda makes my mood 10X more extreme then it was. Same when I'm sad. Or angry. And luckly I wan't angry when I drank it. After that I was literally hopping down the halls and waving to everyone. Even people I didn't know. It was like this.....


yeah....scary twas I.

Then my happiness kinda faded when I was ready to shoot those idiot dumpy kids. But I didn't. I went to someone older and had the problem.....removed.

BWAH HA HA HA HA!!! FEEL MY WRATH!! Almost......

So, we got fourth place. I was kinda upset because my stupid team wasn't doing anything. They weren't even trying. They weren't even having fun!! Arg....

Seniors for first. Bah....

They thought that we (the freshmen) were copying them when they did the chicken dance because, OH, we got in a circle and so did they. WE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WE WERE DOING!! They were the first people up and they got in a circle so we though we had to! And the german kid started break dancing (XD it was great!) in the middle. We got points off for that cause the judges thought it was dangerous. And Mike and I ran out in the middle of the circle and started doing stupid stuff. Judges took off for that too cause they thought we were copying.

But it was SO FUN!! Mike and I were spinning around so much and so fast that I thought I was gonna frope. XD It was great!!

Next year we shall clear our names and be original. That is....IF THE REST COOPERATE WITH ME. ><

I'll post some pics from it when I get them.


Current Music: About a Burning Fire - Project 86

Currently eating/drinking: NOTHING!! AAAH HAH HAH HAH HAH

Current Mood: almost awake/blah

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 12:16 PM


I'm too cold to give any detail on anything. To cold. Too tired. Too .... headhurt...?

House almost burnt down. Lotsa smoke. Lotsa people running around. Cold now. Freezing. Room torn apart. I'm alive. No one hurt. I'm going back to bed.


Current Music: nothing

Currently eating/drinking: chocolate milk

Current Mood: tired, disturbed

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 3:40 PM


School's been delayed 2 hours for rain and ice so I figured this would be a good time to update this.

School is a pain still. I'm glad I won't be having my social studies test today. I want another night to study. Multiple choice thursday, essay friday, DBQ(data based questions) monday. Arg....Then spanish test friday, english test friday, math test...friday(?), english quizey thing today(?).


I have a very hard time paying attention. That's my reason for doing so poorly this year. Things are so much harder....Seems like I'm expected to grow up faster than I should.

Oh yay! D just told me there's no school. I'm going to work on my webpages today then. This one needs some work. Those dumb links over there are messing up. And I have a forum that I am trying to revive. It's called Silent Winds, although I think I'm going to change the name. I made it sometime last year and it died. I kinda abandoned it anyway. So I'll work on that too. There is a link to the page over there but it isn't working. The page is


You have to add the ending, "index.cgi?" or it won't bring you to the right page.

I'm going to try to BUILD my own page also. I'm going to use frontpage and host it on netfirms. That is, if I can figure it out. I'm pretty bad with HTML. That's why I'm using frontpage.

So, I'm off to go do that. If anyone has any suggestions, LET ME KNOW!!!


Current Music: Jarboe - In an Open Sea - Thirteen Masks

Currently eating/drinking: nuffin

Current Mood: happy?

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 8:40 AM


Alright, I really shouldn't be updating this now because I need to go study, but I have to get this out...

Today I, L.E., threw Mr. Neiman's stapler at J.R.'s head. Let us now have a moment of silence for the poor stapler....

I've been really mad lately. I think I might have already written about that earlier on or maybe even the post before this. Who knows. But I guess I was really mad this morning. At first I woke up knowing it was going to be a bad day. I wasn't satisfied with my appearance and I couldn't do anything about it. Even if I could I wouldn't know what. Then I got to school and went to my horrid spanish class. It didn't help any that I got a 70 on my test. Once I fled from there I found myself in the gym tripping over basketballs. I'm not athletic. If only there was an X-treme Pingpong team. That would be nice. When I got into my science class J.R. slammed a stapler down on my hand. He didn't mean to but I of course freaked out and acted on impulse. The stapler went flying at his head....I think. Didn't quite pay attention to where it went. My first reaction was to apologize to the teacher, and I did. Not to J.R. though. Nope. I just marched over there, picked up the stapler and gave it to the teacher saying, "I'm sorry I threw your stapler".


So, my plans are to buy a new stapler for Mr. Neiman even though this last one still works. It just seems right.

But now I must go. I'm mad again though. I have to go chuck wood at the house.

I shall return.


Current Music: Orange - Starwheel

Currently eating/drinking: Orange juice (isn't irony great)

Current Mood: mad

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 4:48 PM


I'm really still alive. I've just been so busy with school and stuff. I'm failing my spanish class which is VERY NOT GOOD. So I've been working a little harder on things. And I've been doing other stuff of my own at home. So, I am alive and I will return. Maybe after I get out of school for Christmas vacation I can update some things. I haven't even been DRAWING!! Although I don't know how much time I will have since I only get out the day before Christmas. Oh yeah! I'll have to tell you how the Mini Olympics go too. It's this whole big day before vacation that the freshmen through seniors get to play games in the gym against each others as olympics. And this year I'm in it! yay! That'll be fun. So, I'll let you know. But for now I have to go take a shower and do my homework.


Current Music: nothing

Currently eating/drinking: grapes

Current Mood: almost happy!!

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 8:47 PM