School's been delayed 2 hours for rain and ice so I figured this would be a good time to update this.
School is a pain still. I'm glad I won't be having my social studies test today. I want another night to study. Multiple choice thursday, essay friday, DBQ(data based questions) monday. Arg....Then spanish test friday, english test friday, math test...friday(?), english quizey thing today(?).
I have a very hard time paying attention. That's my reason for doing so poorly this year. Things are so much harder....Seems like I'm expected to grow up faster than I should.
Oh yay! D just told me there's no school. I'm going to work on my webpages today then. This one needs some work. Those dumb links over there are messing up. And I have a forum that I am trying to revive. It's called Silent Winds, although I think I'm going to change the name. I made it sometime last year and it died. I kinda abandoned it anyway. So I'll work on that too. There is a link to the page over there but it isn't working. The page is
You have to add the ending, "index.cgi?" or it won't bring you to the right page.
I'm going to try to BUILD my own page also. I'm going to use frontpage and host it on netfirms. That is, if I can figure it out. I'm pretty bad with HTML. That's why I'm using frontpage.
So, I'm off to go do that. If anyone has any suggestions, LET ME KNOW!!!
Current Music: Jarboe - In an Open Sea - Thirteen Masks
Currently eating/drinking: nuffin
Current Mood: happy?
.::. Lisa .::. 8:40 AM