Woohoo! 100 posts! I'm so cool!
I'm not feeling so good so I'm going to try to keep it short. I was up helplessly late last night and couldn't sleep in either. I think I'm sick because of the lack of eye closing. I can't even see clearly.
Just a note: I'm trying to get comments back up but there's something screwy going on with the layout. There seems to be some kind of controversy. I WILL figure this out!!
Jared and his girlfriend came up the other day. She's loads of fun! Well... she doesn't say much so none of us have really talked to her much ... but she's awesome as DDR! I told her I used to think I was good after we played. Hah! I hope Jared keeps her around. I want to compete with her! After she left we all hopped on the DDR so we could get better. She really inspired us all. Her brother does DDR P-R-O-F-E-S-S-I-O-N-A-L-L-Y!!! That's awesom_! I want to get so much better now!
It was funny when we started because we were just picking random songs and going on light for Jared's sake. He's worse then Jo(but she is getting better, she just looks funny when she does it). But then we started moving on, getting into the flow and when she and Jared did one together she put it on HEAVY. Whoa! I think she was being, for lack of a better word, modest because she doesn't really know us well. I wonder how good she really is....
Hey! I have to stay at Jo's for a couple weeks... maybe she'll be there? Ah, no they'll probably be back at college by then. Poo... I wanted just one more round...
Well, I'm going to Passena with mum tomorrow to get sewing/crochetting supplies. I'll probably do a couple rounds there. Maybe I'll pick up a book. I want to get a video game too. I can't spend all my money though because I want to get this and this and this subscription to FRUiTS. Donations are more than welcome. ^^;
I'm off to bed now. Much tired. Much sickie. I hope I feel up to DDR tomorrow...
AH! KRUMPY GOT ME AWESOM_ FLIPPIES! XD I'll post a picture tomorrow!!
Food? Nopies
Music? Yeppies - Superchick - Hero(Red Pill remix)
Mood? content! Awesom_!
Oh! One more thing. Luca, thanks so much for everything. You are much awesom_. I've been trying to call you for two days but I can't get a hold of you!! Be home sometime! We're going to drop by on our way back from krumpy's college
.::. Lisa .::. 12:52 AM
just a test! Yeah! I am so cool!