About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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Once mom said we were getting paid to do these things that other girl raced around to get everything done so she could add to her already 200 or so dollar drawer. It's not like I am trying to paay of those 60$ I owe her. It's not like I have to earn some money by monday for florida. It's not like I'm broke. She's upstairs taking over my room playing the 50$ game I bought(she's played 5 hours, I've play 1 and she's still up there). Half of my room is covered in clothes she decided to fold(to get money of course) while playing the game; she'll be there longer. I just want to go to my stinkin room and tear things apart and cry still I puke. I don't mind her being in there once in a while, but I'd rather not have her living in there.

Yeah I'm over-reacting. So .... eat my leg. I'm just a tad upset about coming home and not being about to be alone at all. I seem to be the only one who's really upset about Sandy too. She's really gone. I don't know what to do now. She's been here my whole life.

I know. Life will go on. But.... you crap head.

So, I don't care that my writing is more like spurts of half-thoughts. I just want to go to my room and eat my pillow or something.

Too bad it's occupied.


Currents: crap crap and more stinkin crap.

1 comments .::. Lisa .::. 8:01 PM


lis, i wanted you to know how sorry i am about sandy. i didn't really tell asher because, well, you know how he is. i usually feel like i am bothering him if i say anything.

anyone who doesnt love thier pets could never understand the pain of loosing one. animal friends are better then human ones for the most part i believe. i was talking about that with my mom the other day. she had a dream of her favorite dog she'd ever had. i hate saying "owned" because i don't think people own thier pets, they are just responsible for them. anyway, her dream was that arwen (my mom is a lord of the rings geek) was being walked, and she knew she was dead, and that since arwen was dead, that they must be in heaven. i don't know, i just think that is comforting, to know that everything you loved is waiting for you when you cease to exist in this life.

<3 e

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:27 PM  

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