About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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I'm sobbing again.

I'm being taken off all of my medicine now. No more anti-depressants.

Depression + Anti-depressants - Anti-depressants = Depression/Withdrawl

Why can't we talk about happier things? Because I need to tell the world(or the two or three people that stumble upon my hole and read these words) my sorrows.

Here's a list

-I'm depressed and that's depressing
-I often have a tummy hurt
-Wart is sick
-I can't seem to pray anymore
-I feel awfully tired
-I have no ambition
-I haven't been able to draw something decent
-I got in trouble for taking pictures at the mall. Again.
-I miss

There. Those are sad things. Speaking of sad, that's what I have. SAD. Seasonal something Disorder. Not enough sunlight.

Good things. Let's talk about good things.

I started my first art contest on Gaia! Hurrah! http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pt=1107095396&p=281502635#281502635

Welcome Her Home - Kami's Art Contest
Welcoming Wartsolot home from the vet!

I had happy things to say this morning. In fact, everyday I think of things to write in here but I never do. You have no idea what has been lacking here. Everyday. And yet I can only seem to write once every month.

Apologies. Yet, apologies don't seem to make me write more often. Apologies once more.

That is all I can seem to find to say. I hope I get back to my old self soon. I miss being ambitious.

Emily, you'll be home the 20th - 26th right? I'm coming. If Dad says I can't, I'll walk.


1 comments .::. Lisa .::. 9:15 AM