Our world starts out in a castle in Dream Land with a bratty little princess and her mother.The princess was known for her stubborness and her finicky actions.
Somehow, we're going to skip the intro and go straight to some other part in the story.
The Queen had just left for (something) and meeting in a far off land, far away from our Dream Land. She had entrusted the care of her daughter to a close relative, Mr. Flower.
On the very first night that the great Queen was away, her daughter had already gotten herself in a bit of trouble. We don't know what happened, but somehow she ended up trying to walk home from a church late at night on her own. Though, someway down the street she came upon Mr. Flower and his daughter, Mrs. Duke(she's married to a pretty handsome d00d).
"Princess! Hurry and come with me. We can't have you wandering the streets."
She reluctantly agreed and entered into the backseat. They began down that winding road that is in every Dream Land at a tremendous speed. Oh no! Somehow while they made a turn the door flew open and out goes the princess.
The end.
The moral: Wear you seatbelt.
No, not really. As she flew out the door it was a reflex she was most grateful to to have grabbed onto the handle of the door with great might.
"Mrs. Duke, is something happening?" Mr. Flower was oblivious. How? We do not know.
"Why, Father! The princess is gone!"
The princess's knees tore on the pavement as Mr. Flower finally thought to bring the car to a stop. Something about a pole. Running on a pole. The princess helped herself back into the backseat of the ugly looking car.
"Oh! How nice of you to join us, dear Princess. I have to stop at the store. Please try to remain in your seat." Mr. Flower is dumb.
They made their way to a funky department store. Something that looks a lot like the K-mart those ka-raz-y people talk about. The princess had to go in with Mr. Flower and Mrs. Duke for security reasons, and yet she strayed from them. She made her way down the isles of the store until she was stopped but a peculiar little boy. Girl. We don't know. Little something. In fact, there were a number of people standing around the bubble gum section, all fascinated that gum was now coming in a pack of two. Amazing. In squares. No more rectangles. This little(something) put a yellow slice of a pack of two gum.....in the princess's hand and ran away.
"What? What do I do with-"
"PRINCESS!" Mr flower came up feircly behind her.
"Come! We must hurry off." He grabbed onto her arm and quickly pulled her back to the front of the store. There he noticed the yellow slice of a pack of two gum...
"What is this? Why do you have this?"
"Well, you see, someone gave it to me and I didn't know what to do with it so..."
Mr. Flower took it from her and brought it up to the counter.
"Come, now. We don't have time for this."
They made their way back to the caslte. As soon as they got there, our princess went up to roam one of the 16 towers that they had. What and unlucky girl. Seems she descided to visit the one where she could hear Mr. Flower talking.
"Curses! That girl...!!! That..." Swearing. Naught man. Calling her very bad names. "For one, she only wanted attention so she threw herself out of the car, then she brings some gum up to me claiming she didn't know what it was! She just wanted me to PAY FOR HER!! She has enough money on her own but these royal characters don't want to use ANY of it. If I were in charge..."
The princess begain to cry. She knew Mr. Flower didn't like her... but he didn't have to say those things. No swearing. She muffled her cries so he would not hear, and continued to listen. We don't know exactly what he said, but somehow she heard that he was going to take over the kingdom. Oooooh noooo!!
Before daybreak, Mr Flower had the entire staff replaced with hoodlums and other such people. Except for those two guys. They were pretty. But we aren't there yet. Be patient or I'll turn you into one of my own hoodlums.
All of the staff was instructed to find the princess(cause they didn't know where she was) and to bring her to the throne room where Mr. Flower sat.
Our princess heard of the news and fled to the bathroom where she locked herself in the shower. She could hear the footstps of two people in the room. Two guys. Hey... this is a girl's bathroom, dorks.
"You check the stalls, I'll keep watch at the door."
She could hear one of them inching closer to where she sat on the cold floor. -Please don't find me...-
The man continued to swing open each door and scan the area. He finished and made his way to the showers.
Umm... something happened. Losts of running away. Seeing the younger of the two, getting to kind of know them, almost maybe friends with the older guy. He sort of protects her. Lots of repetitive stuff about chasing, being chased.. blah blah. Lots of doors that never shut. Lots of me hid- the princess hiding in little places.
"Find her!"
Janice(the older guy) stood in the bathroom with his arms folded, standing near the princess who was once again sitting on the cold floor in the shower.
"Aren't you going to take me away?" The princess quietly asked.
"No. I've done what they've told me. I found you. My job is done."
"So... you won't tell anyone where I am?" Her feelings lightened a bit in hope.
"No, I won't. But they'll still find you, and I can't do anything about that. All I can do is wait with you, Princess."
The princess pulled her knees up to her chin and covered her mouth from her weeping.
Eventually she was found. And by what better person than out Conti(younger)? He burst into the room.
"Janice! What the heck are you doing! She's right there! Grab her!"
Janice remained silent and the princess shook violently in fear. Conti growled at his partner for being a poo-face and went to the princess himself. He roughly grabbed her wrist and pulled her up. The princess sobbed and was so weak from the days of hiding and running away that she couldn't keep herself standing. Conti let her lean against him to keep her standing.
"You've given us too much trouble. Just be glad it's not up to me what happens to you."
Through the princess's tears, she managed to whisper, "You don't even know me."
Conti wrapped his arms around her to keep her up and confined and started towards the door. Then, Janice spoke up,
"Conti, what's she done wrong anyhow?"
Conti stopped for a moment to think, and responded blankly.
"What does it matter?"
"It's not right to take a little girl and deprive her of her home."
"DEPRIVE!? This girl has known everything she's ever wanted her whole life. Don't you think it's time for her to share a little?" (we can assume this guy had a bad past.)
"Now that's that Flower guy talking. Not you."
Lots more talking that remains unknown. Eventually Janice says something that really gets through to Conti. Conti looked at the princess and maybe he almost felt bad for her. Trying to cover up his feelings of remorse, he coninued out the door without saying another word to Janice. He did however, speak directly to the princess, just one word.
From here we can assume that he's bringing her outside to talk to her. This is about the time I work up so I'll write up and ending for this when I get back from Lala land.
.::. Lisa .::. 10:23 AM
Gosh,is there not a time when I'm not sick? This is tiring. I not only have the depressios, I have the fa-loo too! At least the depressioness-es has subsided a bit. I guess my mind is on other things. Like, keeping my stomach in one peice. Gross.
There's nothing worse than talking about being sick when you're sick. Let's talk about something else.
What's wrong with these people? Just because they like to take pictures they think it gives them a right to post pictures of them showing off their breasts. That's just ridiculous.
People are grodey.
Okay, I know I didn't want to talk about it, but gosh, I feel like month old garbage. T.T!! I have the coldies and the sweaties all together. Make me feel all better. Please?
I have nothing else I can say. I just think it's time to pop a movie in and suck on popsicles. Wah.
.::. Lisa .::. 10:34 AM
Crappy day, but that's okay. I yelled at Joey a lot today. Just in lunch though. Everyone thinks we were just messing around, but I was really yelling at him. Not furiously. Just enough to make my anger build-up subside.
I've been terribly angery these past couple days. Why? I don't know. I had been having dreams of being mad at everyone for no particular reason, but now I really am. I just want to shut doors in everyones faces and laugh at their broken noses.
February is a bad month.
I check Andrew's blog again today. Something's wrong. He's... in love? That's not supposed to happen. I guess there's nothing bad about that. It just feels funny. Hilarious. Painfully hilarious.
I'm going to get some pictures up here. I promise!! Once my camera stops being mad at me... I kind of feel like I'm forbidden from anything dealing with photography lately. I couldn't fit photo class into my schedule again, I attempted to take pictures with warty but she peed on me, the batteries died, the batteries died again.It frusterates me imensly to see these ma'amby pa'amby pansy girls think they are professional photographers at school. They feel so much power and importance when they have the camera around their neck.
Heck, that girl never took the lens off her camera. Moron. At least I know I'm not an amazing photographer. At least I'm trying to learn. They think they KNOW.
Hate is an evil think.
I dislove them. I loathe them.
.::. Lisa .::. 5:28 PM