I basically had a bad day. Shall I just right into it or talk about the lovely things first? No.. I think I shall save them for last so I can leave you with mixed feelings.
The following section will consist of several images of writings I have done through out the school day and inserts of text. Hurray. We are so happy.

....to apologize profusely. MMmmm... blue starburst. So they continued to lecture me anyway. I even raised my voice at them. Eventually the nurse left and the councilor finally found his office.
"Oh good, you're here"
"You need to talk to me? Well, I have to go to a meeting. Bye."
The councilor lost his office again. The open road is so much more appealing to him. Loser. That's a half an hour of my time wasted on stupid people. Again.
So he left and the secretary rolled her eyes at him.
"Can I use your phone to call my mom because she knows more about this than I do?"
"Oh, why don't you go to the nurses office to call her?"
Because the nurse is a crack pot and my real motive is to complain about everything.
So I told my mom this was all garbage and the nurse caught the phone from me and lectured my mom(while looking at me to give me the same message. Again.).
Was that all that happned that that day? From then on everything is blurred together. Except for the cheerleaders. I remember that clearly.
So, since I was gone, the cheerleaders all gained an extra 20 pounds and all sat down at their table at the same time. That would have been so hilarious to see. Fat cheerleader-wannabes.
Bad things became of this. I think it's safe to say that people should expect you to sit in the same place you've sat for nearly the entire school year(however many days that is). I would think someone might get a little upset for being kicked out.
Yes, the cheerleaders broke into the Bastille and captured the prisoner. Out table. Our dignity. Our souls.
Needless to say, I'm sick and tired of people pushing me around. I sat with them.
"Hey, I don't think it should have anything to do with us that you don't have your table to sit at for now blah blah blah" and I said stuff assertively.
They're response was "uhh. sure. you can sit here." like it was just me. Lame. Jerks. Fat cheerleaders.
So we sat. Sam and I. On the edge. Like losers. Forever. Eventually we shrivled up and died.
No, not really. We got hungry and frusterated so we were about to leave when I opened my big mouth. Four words.
"Thank for being gay."
They responded in a non so mannerly way. I should have expected. Dummy me. I freaked out and it gets worse from there. It was all just stupid and mental-likeish.
Anywho, the principle got involved and garbage and she could have cared less. Mool. P. Moolp.
Other than that, we've stormed the table again today(although with backup this time) and all went well and peaceful(I was afraid of being killed). That was good.
Sam noticed something. I'm prideful. Darn. That can't be good.
Mainly days have consisted of dragging my work outof my teachers, being lectured by the lazy P.E. guy, and being hollered at for "being the the wrong hall."

Uhhh... I had more to write about. But I forgot.
S'all for now. Hopefully the next update will occur in the same month.
.::. Lisa .::. 8:00 PM
Oh yeah. I changed the layout. Bet you noticed. There was wicked lag and all. I'll try to get things back in order later.
.::. Lisa .::. 10:49 PM
Hurrah! It's over!
I have a total of seven unwanted holes in my arms and finger. Actually, the worst part was drink that flat/soda/maple syrup. It didn't taste too bad, but when the lady told me I had to drink the whole bottle in five minutes, needless to say, I was floored.
I got to play Super Mario RPG for five hours. No, four. The last hour I felt 200 degrees and was listing off food I wanted to eat when we got out. I'm okay now. Besides the drink being the worst, the finger prick was the second worst. Poor finger. It's sad now. It's going to cry. Kiss it.
Poor Sammy. I miss her bundles. I can't believe how much I've been forgetting. I forgot that our middle birthday is on Sunday(good thing she reminded me) and I completely forgot she was going to get things off her foot today. I feel so bad! Joe says she was on crutches all day. I should have been there to carry her things. No, I suppose Joe would have done that.
That's a gentleman thing. Maybe Kayla carried them.
"But this is my recorder"
"Well when you're eighteen you can listen to me brag about it"
Something like that. That's a nifty song. That part always makes me laugh. Sankyou Emily for showing me Tegan and Sara!!
:excited: Emily said she would call me tomorrow~ Hurray! I hope I'm home when she calls. I just remembered I'm going out to breakfast in the morning and then bed shopping. I hope it doesn't take too long.
I like writing.
Which reminds me; I noticed something this evening right after I watched the special features on classic Annie. I want to be everything.
I watch a movie; I want to act
I hear a song; I want to sing
I read a book; I want to write
I see a drawing; I want to draw
I see a photo; I want to take pictures
I see a dress; I want to make it
There's nothing wrong with doing all this... I just want to do it all so well. Professionally.
Big Red.
I need to finish that apron. Patterns are difficult. I do better when I just make it up.
Goodnight world. Time for feeling like a guh. What?
.::. Lisa .::. 10:04 PM
I'm really nervous about going to the hospital tomorrow. I don't want to goooo!! I'm okay with a shot, I'm okay with drawing blood... but being stabbed for five hours?! Don't make me go!!
So.. in other news. Wait. There is not other news. Really. Nothing else has happened besides I'm sick and panicy and plain ucky feeling. Mum bought me a giant Bah-Sheep which was really sweet. She's so adorable. She also got me some comics to read in the waiting room while I wait for my next stabbage.
Aria 2 and Azumanga Daioh 4
I.... really have nothing else to say? I'm cold. And this dude is trying to get me to give him a prize by pathetic talk. Ew.
I'm going to bed now I guess. Gnighty.
Don't make me gooo!!!
.::. Lisa .::. 8:55 PM
We are the music makers
And we are the dreamers of dreams
Health Report – 9.57 - March 5, 2005
Just when you think you know what’s going on, or when you think the worst is over, something has to get in the way. We don’t even have to know what it is. It’s just a feeling of discomfort; anxiety, distress, despair, misery, desolation, wretchedness, melancholy sadness, grief….
It is these things that seem to keep us from our duties. When you feel like there is nothing else in the world you could do, at that time, what do you do? When the future has warped itself in such a way that it has stolen your vision of it and blinded you from even the present.
When self-worth is unknown, how do you know where to turn? When the senses fade and cannot touch your soul any longer, what can you do?
Have you ever wanted to reach out and touch something in a glass case? The feeling of confinement or limits will eventually make you explode. The only thing to do is be prepared for it.
Have you ever wanted know someone you could never access? It will make you cry. Stay away from it.
Have you ever wanted everything, but knew you couldn’t have it? That will also make you cry. Stop thinking.
Have you ever laughed so much that now there is nothing left to make you smile? There is nothing you can do.
These things are known, but are denied. Who could have ever known that someone who has had it all and who knew her future, could deny it?
.::. Lisa .::. 10:05 PM