About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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My letter to Emily

emily, emily, emily!!

Dood! Where have you been? How was thanksgiving? Holidays are tiring. But it was really alright. It was a little strange not having the Fowlers here. They went to see Jared in NYC. The bums. We usually rely on them for entertainment. It was suprisingly quieter this year because of that. There was a man that dad works with that came who is from Venezuela. He was really nice and interesting. I liked just listening to him and dad and asher talk. Krist even spoke to him in spanish for a while. He wanted to talk to me in spanish too but I told him that my five years of class has done little for my skills. He said "Practice, practice."

Gah! How annoying. Shopping online is nice, but when you really shop in a store, things don't just dissappear out of your cart. Well, mostly.

I just had lots and lots of lots of sugary things. Dad brought me home a big chocolate donut with lots of goopyness in the middle so I have to put my candy cane down for it. Now I think I'm wired.

Oh boy, now I'm tired. I can't decide.

Oh yeah, I'm getting closer to visiting you sometime. My drivers test is sometime mid-December. Of course, I won't be going far right after that, but I'm taking the next steps anyway. I think you should just have to come this way for something. Like christmas.

Halloween was relatively lame this year. For one thing, you and asher and erika weren't here. Then three other of my friends had all chosen characters to make costumes from and it ended up I did all the work, paid for it all, only finished two last minute, and the other two people decided that they didn't care to have the costumes, said they wouldn't wear them anyway, and didn't come for the "party." So me and sam worked on last minute details for the party and wore them to school the following monday. We were awesome alone.

I'm having weird friend problems. They're just being fickle because they're both super popular and me and sam are bucket scrapers and they're both the glamours of their classes. Oh, and one is 14. Fickle fourteen. We had all decided on learning this dance routine and practiced really hard for it, but then they didn't care a week later.

Woah, I'm complaining again. Gush gush.

They're okay as long as you don't rely on them for anything.

So have you seen the Luca-nator? I took a super classic picture of her for photo. Gosh, that class is harder than I thought it would be. I usually work by taking gillions of shots of one subject in several different ways, but he wants a whole roll with one theme, and not one subject. Like, one whole roll must be perspective, or rule of thirds. That's hard sorta. Especially with it coming winter now. It's too dark for photos when I get home and indoor photos are a joke. So I have to make sure I get all my assignments done for the week on saturday. That is the absolutly only time where I have daylight to work with. So far my puppy is my most used subject but she's constantly moving so it's hard. I have a super nice camera though. Never blurry. Always great contrast. Hurray!

Gosh, 9.53. I have to go to bed so I can read read read. I'm going to send you loads of pictures soon, 'kay? Be prepared!!

Remember what you said at the wishing pond?

-Lisa lisa lisa

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 9:59 PM


My letter to Eri.

Yep, i start my three day vacation today. Except it's not really a relaxing vacation. Stinks. Gotta cleaaaan and cook. Shouldn't be too bad though. Mom said she wants to hurry and get done so we can play video games. We've got her playing a lot lately. Dad asked if she ever works anymore. Kristi got her We Love Katamari and we've been playing it for days. There's a really cute one where you have to roll up a gingerbread house and another cute one where you roll up as many flowers as you can.

I want to send you my english project sometime. It was a video with me and three other girls. Jillian sang, the other two acted, and I did the camera work and editing. I thought it looked really nice when we were finished. It's a music video type thing about the scarlet letter. The song talks about being judged by people and it all seemed to fit really well. I had to put the overture of the katamari song at the end credits. That's all that's been on my mind lately.

Katamari is really fun. You can play co-op two player on every level. It was really hard to get used to at first, but after we figured it out it it got to be a lot more entertaining. Kristi and I have picked our own characters in a way. Everytime we pick up a cousin in a level we look at it and decide on who should have him. I'm the prince mostly and the flashy one, Dipp. She's Ace, the orange one, Honey, and Beyond. Beyond really scared me at first when I picked him up. He was so creepy! He's super tall and purple and just rocks from side to side in a weird creepy way. He has really short arms too so when he waves he looks demented. But him and Dipp are good friends so he eventually grew on me. I get to have a weird one too though. Kristi really doesn't like Miso because he has a soup head and looks like his brains are sloshing around. That's me!

We're playing Chrystal Chronicles too. I want to get mom a gameboy sometime so she can play with kristi and I. I should think about getting my own gamecube and things since I'm only borrowing them from you and Asher. Mom wants me to get a summer job next year so hopefully I can get a good one and spend some of my money on wasteful things. Like candy and video games.

Well, so much thinking about these things makes me want to play, but I have to clean first. I've been trying to act occupied. Bleh. Maybe I'll have to clean my room today. That'd be fun fun. I don't mind it so much anymore because I never get a chance to be in my room during the day anymore. I've actually started sorting things out of my closet just so I can sit around in there. Silly me!

So, I'm off now. Brrrxzzzz....


0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 10:16 AM