Hm....How long has it been since I updated this? Oh well....who cares. Too much math involved.
Right, speaking about math, let's talk about school (*cringe*).
I guess things are going okay. So far I haven't seen anyone throw up, there haven't been major hate/kill/die days...only small ones, and all my teachers are pretty cool.
But...I am hated. What do I do about that? Nothing I guess. Nothing I really can do. Its just a nagging question on my brain of, "What have I ever done to you?". Anyway....
Also, for what SCHOOL IS FOR (for those who don't know it's supposed to be for learning) I guess I'm doing OKAY with grades. I wish I was doing better. I know I should study more....I really should. It just seems so hard because I have such a short attention span. I have no idea how I can read books and play video games. I guess they can just keep my attention better because....it's more interesting maybe?
Now, what was I saying?
I saw Julia in school today! She just got back for a short break from college. It was so good to see her!! XD I was supposed to go shopping with her and my sister tomorrow...but I guess things changed. I don't know. It kinda made me upset because my mum said I shouldn't miss a day of school for that. But she's the one that told me we were going to! I remember I was depressed about something (who knows what with me) and she said that would happen (shopping w/ Julie)
Oh well I guess....Sam is coming over anyway so we can practice our song thing for the fall follies. I kinda got worried though. Because my mum said, "well we'll wait to see what Dad says about it." So....what if he says its okay (which I doubt but it could still be a possibility)?? I can't leave Sam hanging! I would like to bring her along if I could go because c'mon! I ASKED HER TO GO TO MY HOUSE PEOPLE!! But....what if she couldn't? That would be....cruel of me.
Gosh, there I go again, those darned WHAT IFs.
Well, I should go do some homework. (smite those homework things)
Current Music: Tooth and Nail Records
Currently eating/drinking: Nothin
Current Mood:
.::. Lisa .::. 6:52 PM