About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
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I'm pretty tired now. I stayed up late last night RPing with cysse. We watched three movies yesterday......

Tokyo Raiders
Muppets Treasure Island (XD)
Cinderella (Korean type version)

We fast-forwarded through most of Winnie the Pooh (was on the same tape) and we discussed that fact that the guy that wrote the Winnie the Pooh stories got tired of writing them and was going to have Christopher Robin go in and kill them so he wouldn't have to write about them anymore.

Also, we talked about how we suspect Pigglet to be a major mass murderer and most likely is teamed up with Tiger(the assassin) and Eeyore(technician). They're secret base is probably below Eeyore's hut thing and we're guessing they're going to kill CR first (cause he's annoying) and then go straight to Rabbit's house.

Beware...Pigglet and his partners in assassination will be coming to a city near you in december of 2004. ..... Or so we think. Who knows it could be sooner.

Paranoid now, aren't ya?

You should be.

I am.

*cough* Ahem.... Anyway. Tonight at the youth group thing we watched Spirited Away!! XD It was great because I had expected these kids (ages like 11-13?) to think it was messed up (like everyone else) and just spit criticism at it. But they actually liked it!! THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!! XDDDDD

Probably because the psycho one wasn't there....I would have sat on him.

Well, off to tomorrow to go shopping for......*gag* two days. Hey, I like getting new stuff and all but I'm NOT a good shopper. 30 minutes after being in a store it's like, isn't it time to go home yet? Geez....my feet are gonna hurt. So is my head.

Better rest up. Long two days are coming.

Aw crud. Gotta finish my homework too. >.> Lot's of homework


Current Music:

Currently eating/drinking:

Current Mood: very tired

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 11:11 PM


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