About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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Images | Rasalom HomePage |
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wait.....thanksgiving.........kids......thanksgiving + kids = total chaos

Oh dear

That line there is there.....to be a line. SO THERE

You may have noticed the new link I put up on the left bar thingy over there. Yes, I'm going to dedicate my artwork and everything else related to art on that page. I started that page a long time ago but was too lazy to do anything with it so left it. But just recently (like 30 minutes ago) I descovered my friend's blog that.....I had never seen before. I feel awfully guilty about it too because there were notes in there for me. The one who is supposed to be so dedicated and....well, let's just say my concience is hurting. Or something. Well, in her blog was a link to my 240 day old page that I posted in...once. SO!! I'm going to do something with it. YAY!! You can all dance aroind now. Yes....you....now....I don't see you dancing yet!!! >.>

I guess I've been feeling okay lately. Still so tired that my eyes hurt all the time but....I guess I'll just have to get used to that. But other then that and the strong feeling of wanted to push Joey off a cliff (yes that is his real name and now you can all go stalk him) I've been good. But tonight I guess I felt a feeling of denial. Like....no one cares. Here is a little thing I wrote in one of the forums I go to...

People don't understand me.....

No one does. Well.....except my mom. Cause she's awsome. And I hate the thought of going to college (3 years away ) because then I'll have NO ONE that understands me AT ALL. My best friends doesn't even fully understand me!!

I love my mom!!

But seriously...the things I do....why I do them. My reasoning.....my likings.....I know other people have different persprectives but it seems that know one ever understands me....the way I want it. They way I make it. The way I put it.

*sigh* It's sad....I have a hard time understanding myself so how can I ask for others to? I know there are other people out there that aren't understandable....but....

gosh i just confused myself. What I was trying to say is I have weird interests and no one ever seems to respect them. Even if they try it's almost always a lie. Or partial. Or ..... they just don't care.


I know that wasn't too clear but I don't have a lot of brain power at the moment and I must hurry to bed. I might be able to explain in more detail later so...in the meantime....REMIND ME!!

XD Have a great day!


Current Music: nothing

Currently eating/drinking: meaty something.....ham? Maybe?

Current Mood: a little draggy

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 9:33 PM


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