Man....I wasn't in the best mood to begin with, but at least I didn't feel like poo, like I do now.
Most people look back at their childhood and see young fun and life. I look back and see an immature bimbo who thought she knew what was best for everyone.
I was cleaning out my folder(gotta do that every month or I'd be buried in it all) and finally made myself look through those millions of useless AIM chats I saved a couple years ago. Must be I thought there was something interesting or funny to keep forever....and ever ....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ever. Geez. Was I such a moron? Am I still now? Well, I came across a few embarassing ones where I thought I was being funny. The person on the other end laughed, but looking back on it now, it wasn't funny at all. I was a spaz trying to make everyone feel good. Then I noticed a folder where I had kept the 2 conversations I had with (random person)'s friend(from here on known as Wyllo). It hurts to think about it. It went basically like this....
Lee: everyone get online on 9-11! Cause that's what it says every idiot should do! WEEEE!!
Wyllo: That's pathetic
Lee: what is?
Wyllo: Everyone is making a fun day about 9-11 when people died that day
Lee: hey man, I'm just repeating what someone sent to me, so chiiiill
Wyllo: don't follow the crowd. Just follow Christ
Lee: They're not making it a fun day anyway! They just want to do something to commemorate it
Wyllo: They can remember on their own by the people's lives that were taken!
Lee: geez man, calm down you grouch
Wyllo: I just think it's pretty ridiculous to do something like that on a sad day for America
Lee: Yea yea, you just don't get it
Wyllo: YOU don't get it
Lee: psh
Wyllo: if you insist on being rude to me then just stop talking!
Lee: yea, whatever
Wyllo: thankyou
I'm such an idiot. WHY COULDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT he WAS SAYING!?!?!? Actually....I think I did understand. I was just afraid of being stupid(hah, right). Please note that this is not EXACTLY(or very close) the way the converstation was, it's just basically what was said and done.
Scene 2! duhn duhn duhnnnnn.....!!
Lee: you OBVIOUSLY like (insert random name here)
Wyllo: obviously
Lee: well, LEAVE HER ALONE XP badeee.....
Wyllo: why?
Wyllo: I don't love her
Wyllo: I'm a flirter
Lee: Well, she thinks you are serious about this and it's really kinda hurting her with, blah blah blah(insert random things here). And people are BUGGERING her about itttt!!!!!!!!!
Wyllo: fine then, i'll just pull the mute on her
Lee: NOOOOOOO!!! Don't stop communicating with her! Just cut back on the flirting junk!
Wyllo: k...
-----------------BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-------------------------- the end
But really. I feel like crap about that. I really made a change in both of their lives because I was so eager to protect my friend. MAN! I don't even learn from these things!! Ive done the same kinda thing before too! WHY WON'T I JUST LEARN!! Geez...I'm so thickheaded. Or overprotective. Gosh, I'm gonna be one good parent ><
Soo...In conclusion, if I could change that I would. I would try to fix things now, but as I said, getting involved only makes things worse. I wish I could fix things now but....what if it makes things worse? And besides, these kinda things are things I just don't know how to deal with. Somethings can't be fixed. Especailly if [b]I[/b], the master of messing things up, causes them to break. Gosh, I'm a loser.
Why couldn't I have been born a good child?
Am I a mean person?
I love you Mom!
Current Music: T.M.Revolution - Invoke
Currently eating/drinking: NOOOOOOOOOOOTHINGGGGGGG!!!!!!
Current Mood: kinda bummededededed
.::. Lisa .::. 1:26 AM