I'm home now! It's so nice to be back, though I had bunches of fun at the college. I had such a great time with Natto(not real name :P) and her friends! After I got my stuff in her room we went to the quad with bunchles of other girls and sang praise songs for a couple hours. Other people kept joining in too so we were all squished on two little blankets. I wasn't sure if my bum was still around when I stood up ^^; Twas fun
When we started to grow ice mustaches we decided to go inside and watch a movie. There was a dude with us so we didn't want to watch a chick flick soooooo we watch Armaggedon! That is such a cool movie! Sad, but cool! Natto was crying at the end but it was funny anyway. She was laughing with tears rolling down her face. Heh heh.
It was late so we headed off to bed but got right back up the next morning for more fun! After a GREAT speaking at "Faith"(the girls get up every saturday morning at 10 for a sort of bible study thing) and meeting a spiffy Japanese girl(she's so cool! XD) Natto and some other girls(a few from the singing and someone else) and I went for a walk some distance into the woods. It was SUCH a beautiful weekend! It was so warm and sunny. Whee! We were all sweaty when we got back so we changed before lunch and ran off there. I met up with my parents there and we got ready to leave(I bought an h-college hoodie right before we left, tis beautiful) when my dad got a call for some dude-man at work. We hung around for about a half an hour THEN left, met up with bro-ness, looked around his college(h-college is much nicer), looked at his wonderful art, the hampter, and left. Aww....
It was so nice at the college. People were laughing, having fun, smiling, singing. I can't wait to go. It's so much better then.......highschool, where people are trapped in the itty-bitty town of >neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer< and their little stupid school with their little dummy friends. Bah. Highschool stinkuth.
So, I'm home again. It's nice to be home. Too bad I can't sleep in my own bed though. I've been camping out in my old room, crashing on the futon because my other room is underconstruction. My closet is being built with wood I'm allergic to. But the smell will eventually fade away.....I hope.
Talked to Cysse today! She had lots and lots of fun on vacation! That's really good! I worry about her sometimes....She went on SCARY RIDES!! Rides I'd never go on! Like the Tower of Terror and a roller coaster! I'd chicken out and run away!
Wellies, I made a webpage! I'm so proud of myself...well...didn't MAKE it make it. But I made it. I'm going to put up a link to it so waddle on over there and take a look!!
Current Music: nuttin
Currently eating/drinking: nothing, kinda really hungry though
Current Mood: a little yucky
.::. Lisa .::. 10:45 PM