About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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Mommy is okay....Geez, I thought she was going to die. I wanted to get away so badly but I didn't want to leave her. There was nothing I could do(especially with me freaking out) but I still had to be there. Any opportunity to leave, I would take it, but I couldn't. I'm glad I couldn't, but at that moment I'd do anything to be away.

Scared I twas.

Mommy is feeling better now though. Phew...I need her.

I don't particularly want to go into details so I'll make it quick. Sis called dad and he came home and brought Mum to the hospital. She came home a few hours afterwards and was feeling alot better. Good good. But even thinking about it makes me want to cray again. So I'll stop.

Stop thinking about it.

Things have been frustrating this week and it's only Tuesday(almost wensday, I need to go to bed). I need to look around for my emotion pill things before I kill someone O.o
I drew some pretty cool pictures and put them in my Xanga page. I got pretty mad about the idiots that came into my post(I posted my oekaki on Gaia) and completely sucked everything that was good about the picture and spit on it. Arg....morons. I've only recently seen them. There's about three and they're going everywhere trashing people's art. Come on! We're not trying to be perfect! We're just sketching and making it look half decent and showing it off to people. Morons.

So, with that frustration out of the way, let us move on to more important things.

Was drafted into the Youth Service for this Sunday tonight. Fun stuff. Originally, I didn't really want to have anything to do with the youth anymore. They're really just a bunch of kids from school that got together and said, "We are youth. Bow to us" and give no respect to anyone. Little magots. But I think I'm getting to like them. The majority anyway. No, not the majority. The minority. Maybe. I'll have to check back on that one. Well, one of the girls was having a rough time tonight about her solo thing that she's going to sing, so I'm backing her up. Sort of. She not going to lead the song before it with the group so I'm going to. That's pretty much it. But before she got there we had to start(she was running late....-_-) so I took on her role for the while. It was actually fun, but when she got there I think I got intimidated. Whooo....

I'm hoping to get some video clips of the practice and the real thing too but I'm a bit worried about the camera. It's my mom's and I don't want the mag-....youth....to hurt it. It's VERY EXPENSIVE. I just don't really want her to have to worry about it or come along, because I know she really doesn't want to have to put up with them. I can handle it on my own. I think. Yeah, I can. I already told one of the guys I'd strangle him if he wouldn't behave.

Well, spinach quiz tomorrow. Social quiz tomorrow. Signed up for Social regents(...almost). I have to get moving. I haven't really had a chance to study yet and it's almost 12. I was just going to wait for my folder to move on the other drive(would take about 2 hours) but there's still 50 minutes left. It's very inaccurate. Time to sleep. Hopefully I'll get a chance to stufy in the morning. What was I doing all afternoon, you ask? Playing Parappa the Rapper 2(beat it, it was lame. First one was better) and MR. MOSQUITO!!!! That game is fun stuff. Someone buy it for me. I take donations! What was I doing while I was waiting, you ask? Drawing you silly goose!

Well, time to lay me down to sleep. And if I die before I wake...I guess I really won't have to worry about those quizes, will I!

Let's just hope I live through the night. I still have to get married you know!


Current Music: sompathing. Christian radio songies

Current food/drink: NONE

Current mood: ...unsure. Really

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 11:29 PM


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