About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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Yes! I got a 24/28 on my NYSSMA solo. Unlike last year, I didn't freak out and cry afterwards. I did really bad last year and I didn't deserve the good score that I got. I think I almost completely deserved my score this year. If I was judging me I would have given me a 22 or something. But WOOHOO!! I did fine. Just not the best. I could have done better but it was really early in the morning.

It's been a rough couple of days. I'm having some problems with someone I know. Have you ever had those people in your life that no matter how much you love then and care for them, you just can't get through to them on what's best? It's drving me insane. So many things happen at the same time that I just can't keep myself straight on these things...

Speaking of being "straight" ......
My sunday school class has started a petition on being against gay marriages. I've finally gotten it written up and printed out so I will start getting signatures tomorrow. Hopefully I won't chicken out on asking people to sign. Also, I want to get signatures from people online too. There are certain rules that go along with this, but if anyone wants any information on it PLEASE CONTACT ME and we will make arrangements.

Yay yay! I got a PS1 from someone the other day for free! I've never actually had a game system of my own. They've all belonged to my brother. But now I have one. Woohoo for me! Now all I want to know is what this guy was eating when he got all the insides and out sticky.

These are the things I've ordered that I'm expecting in the mail soon....

Jak and Daxter
Jak II
Dynasty Warriors 3
Kick the Can Crew - Good Music

Yay for me!

Well, I have stuff to do...that I forgot to do earlier. So I must be off


Current Music: nuffin

Currently eating/drinking: nothing

Current Mood: irritated, queezy, stressed

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 9:48 PM


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