Things have been pretty rough lately. I feel like I haven't been able to really spill my feelings to my mom. The only way I can talk to her is on the phone and it's always at Jo's house. It wouldn't be too nice for me to complain about what I'm going through while I'm there. I wouldn't want to cry there either.
So, about the other day when I broke down.... my mom called. I asked her to call me at home so I could ask her about some infection I have and I just started crying. I wish they could come home already. School is so stressful, not so much the people this year, it's the work. I feel so sick, I have a yicky infection, and there are so many darned fleas in the room I was sleeping in! When I was at Jo's house last night I wouldn't even do any homework because I felt so sick and I was in so much pain. I really thought I might throw up. It's been like that all day too. I'm just now starting to feel better. I just layed on the bed and waited for 9 o'clock to come. Just kept waiting for the phone to ring. 9:30 came... no phone. I kept replaying the things I was going to say when she called. Ring! The phone! I literally jumped off the flea infested bed, which wasn't good for my stomach, and ran down stairs. I was in tears again. The second my mom said hi, I was in tears. Not sobbing like before, just a broken fauset. I couldn't remember anything I was going to say. I just listened to whatever she said. I could barely speak at all.
"Is it worse when I call?"
"I don't know..."
Yes. But it'd be even worse if you didn't.
superness. Someone get them for me!
are you ok?
not really
whats wrong?
lots of things. Mostly I just want to sleep in my own bed that doesn't have fleas
thanks for asking though. Really.
I want a bamboo brush!
And look what I bought!
When it comes in the mail I'll take me some pictures of it and get some scans for all to see!! YAY! Shower me with gifts and candy dots!
And I will become a pro at playing DDR without a mat. Just paddle and feet. It hurts the brain.
I feel like I need to workout. Really bad. Really. I've just felt poopy lately and haven't had time to.
Aaaaaand I want to go visit Luca and people!!!!! I feel so alooooone!
And.... I think these are cute. I don't particularly like the series, I just think they're cute...

as you may have noticed.. I like pictures
whew. I updated. Praise me.
.::. Lisa .::. 4:25 PM
Broke down today. 45 seconds ago. Today was going so well... except for me being scatterbrained this morning. I just want... I don't know! I don't want anyone around but I don't want to be alone either! And I was doing so well today....
I know, scattered thoughts. More like scattered feelings. I feel like I'm on fire. I don't want to wake up in the morning. I don't want to go anywhere. I just want to stay in my home and be me. I want to fix everything.
Gosh, I have such a flamin' headache. Someone shoot me.
.::. Lisa .::. 4:12 PM
Ah... My favorite oekakis....
NOTE: None of them were made by me. And stupid me forgot to get the name of the persons who made them, so unless I can remember they will remain nameless. If I can find their names I'll add 'em
There is no order to this madness
Gally ::
Miyanko-Chan ::
Chaotic 8 ::
Kabocha ::
cpu ::
lain in the wired ::
Tanuki ::
Jenova 4 ::
Isao ::
iggy ::
Crabz ::
ink. ::
Punnyo-muffin ::
Tanoshimi tukasa ::
Timer ::
Unknown ::
So, onto text.
I'm doing okay now. I was a wreck when my parents first left for maryland for two weeks(there's a week left). I was just so stressed because of all this homework and essays and studying and I couldn't even sleep in my own bed! Wow, I think I've just realized that sleeping in my bed is important to me. Cool.
I just wish I didn't have to go to school. I'm going to finish up the rest of my homework and sew all day.
feeling cold.
.::. Lisa .::. 8:12 AM
What can I say? School is getting in the way of my posting. Don't expect a flood of writings in here. There are a few interesting things I'd like to say though.
I actually think this is going to be a good year. I'm trying real hard to be organized, get good grades, pay attention... I'm trying hard to be nice too. Not that I'm a mean person, I just... I'm not so pleasant all the time.
That's my brother's site. That's where he posts his artsy stuff, his, Eri's and Erick's. Much coolness. Much to look at.
I've been trying to update my site as much as possible but I don't have as much time to draw or update now. It's mostly a site for my drawings, stencils, and photos, though I wish it could be more. I've said I wanted to put up some music downloads and possibly ROMs but I don't have that much space for them. I still feel like I'm under construction, and I know I am, but I don't know what to work on. I have links to fix, things to clean up, but it's tough and I'd rather be reading or doing something else then fixing something. I'll get to it sometime....
Our house was bombed by a skunk last night and I feel like I'm dying. Not so bad anymore. I sprayed perfume all over me this morning and then I smelled like funny fruit loops. Blegh. Everytime I open my locker I almost get knocked over. Same thing when I open my books. *tear* We bought a bunchle of air fresheners today though... Hopefully it'll go away. I'm allergic to the skunk smell though, headache, soar throat. Not as bad at Lord Conti though. Poor guy.
Oh yeah, there's a song I want but I can't find it anywhere. XOXOXO by Nawasaki Nao. It's not on the singing fish.... That's all I know where to look.
I know I tried it before and it didn't turn out too well, but I'd like to try again, making a wishlist. I had one hanging on my wall, a manga list, but I took it down for space. It worked well though. I got to take 4 of the pictures off! That means I got my wishes(even though I paid for 'em)!
Paradise Kiss.... I have thoughts on it. My first impression was "Wow! I want that one a lot! It looks really good!" then my sister got it and told me all the bad stuff in it. She exaggerated, but she had points. Still, I love the books. My mum get me the next two! : ]
Another spontanious thought,
I have three people I really look up to on the net. I know some people think it's horribly lame to think anything of people on the net. But I don't think that they realize they are REAL people too. People far away typing with the same letters on a keyboard. Those who don't understand relationships on the net, get off.
Andrew I think is my #1. Don't ask me why. Is it because he's a nice, thoughful guy? Is it because he respects me? Is it because he understands me? Is it because he cares? Don't ask me. There are too many answers.
Bria is another. She's an artist. She's a web designer. She knows what she's talking about. Hm... now that I really think about it, I really don't know. We've never had much contact with each other. I try to comment a lot on what she writes and on her drawings, but I feel like I'm stalking her. I guess I look up to her.
Missina! She's one of the few people on the board that doesn't see me as a little twerp that runs around posting useless things. I don't. Most of my posts are ignored anyway so I never got to know many people. She actually talks to me directly there and comments on what I have to say(whether it be a funny picture or not). I don't think we're close, but she's another I look up to.
Mum bought me an Enya CD today. Yay! I don't remember what the album is called. Water something. Yay!
Well, let us end this with my schedule and some comments about my classes.
1st period - Science - Biology > It's okay. The teacher is a nice guy. He's funny but he seems so serious about things sometimes it's hard to tell when he's joking or not. I'm a little worried about the class though. I'm not good in science and I'm not sitting by anyone I know. I'm in the very back corner no less..
2nd period(odd days) - Science - Lab > Once again, it's okay. I'd rather not be paired up with an idiot who does nothing but stand there and pretend he's writing something down. I'm not good in lab! I was hoping to be with someone that could help me a little. So I plan on basically doing everything myself.
(even days) - Study hall - > It's loud. I crochet.
3rd period(odd days) - Phys Ed > How can anyone like this? I'm horrible at anything including running, kicking, throwing, or catching. I'm good at ping-pong though. At least there are a couple people I know in there. Except the one girl has her other basketball friends and the other girl has her brain-dead blonde friends. I just kind of stand around and look dumb.
- Side note: Gabs is in there and man, she is so sool. Sugoi! She's not afraid of what people think of her, and she's pretty popular. That's pretty cool. She's different but people accept her. I think her's and my style are basically the same. Retro/punkish(she's more punkish though). The most we ever really say to each other is, "I like your skirt", or "Cool shoes! What kind are they?" ... Too bad we couldn't get to know each other. I know it wouldn't work though. She has her friends and I don't. She super nice though. I feel stupid around her though. Whenever she says something to me I kind of shy away and answer quietly and quickly. Intimidation I suppose. Around Christmas/Mini Olympics time I hope to have mastered the kitty hat arts and give her one. She like the kitty stuff(GOSH! Her shoes were so flamin' awesom_! Her hoodie has kitty ears too!!)
(even days) - Study hall > Two in a row on the same day, morning, and none the next day. Lame. I crochet.
4th period - Advanced English > I look foreward to english everyday. Not everything is interesting and the homework is usually long and you have to really think, but I like the class. The teacher is good too. I heard from lots of people that she was mean and boring. I think she's really nice and interesting. Maybe because I'm in the advanced class?
5th period(odd days) - Health > This class is pretty interesting too. I was dreading it but the teacher makes it amusing. She's sarcastic about things, but not overly sarcastic or mean about it. She's cool. I learn a lot about myself in there too. I'm amazing when it comes to mental health, but I have no social life. 'Cept in OffWeGo of course. Who needs anything else when your there with you brother, sister-in-law, and LUCA! RAWR! *glomp*
(even days) - Chorus > I'm so out of practice with singing. It hurts. I'm in the front again. I'm so short! It's not so long and blah this year, so far anyway. Classes are sut 3 minutes short this year and it seems like it's made a huge difference.
6th period - Lunch > It's loud and crowded. I eat. I sit with Cysse and Kayla. They're cool. Sometime Cory because... well, he doesn't have anywhere else to sit. Justina wanted to steal our table the very first day so he could pull together the table for his .... guuuuuurlfriend(she's so annoying, she deserves a kick. Lots of them. In her "perfect" face). Everyone seemed to elect me as maester of the table so naturally, I refused. I'm so awesom_.
7th period - Spanish III > It's amazing how interesting Spinach is this year! I really hope I can do well and actually be able to speak full sentances without stumbling over words. She told us the story about her sick cat today but it was so interesting because she said it all in spanish.... and I understood it all! Maybe I'll be okay....
8th period - Math - Geometry > It's math. What's there to say?
9th period - Social Studies > This is the subject I hate the most. I look foreward to this class the most. Strange, huh? Once more, the teacher is interesting and tell stories about her life. They're amusing. The work isn't too hard yet and the notes are straight foreward. Good. I hope I do well in here too.
That's it. That's my day. Then I spend 40 minutes on the bus going down A ROAD. Lame. Well, seems like it'll be a good year though. That's nifty.
Speaking of "that's nifty", I want to open a shop on my site. That's all. Gnighty.
Current music - Dynamite - I - N - G - Digi Charat Nyo
Current food - none
Current mood - not sure, I think I'm okay.
.::. Lisa .::. 8:59 PM
Oh the insanity of it all!! Something stupid messed with my blog! There are links in the writing that I never put there.
i.e. When I wrote "I've discovered that I love to meet new people" the "meet new people" part was made into a link(that I never put there) to one of those find the love of your life websites..
And please.... keep the tagboard clean
EDIT:: I've just realized it's just this computer that has something stupidly wrong with it. Mental.
.::. Lisa .::. 3:07 PM