Things have been pretty rough lately. I feel like I haven't been able to really spill my feelings to my mom. The only way I can talk to her is on the phone and it's always at Jo's house. It wouldn't be too nice for me to complain about what I'm going through while I'm there. I wouldn't want to cry there either.
So, about the other day when I broke down.... my mom called. I asked her to call me at home so I could ask her about some infection I have and I just started crying. I wish they could come home already. School is so stressful, not so much the people this year, it's the work. I feel so sick, I have a yicky infection, and there are so many darned fleas in the room I was sleeping in! When I was at Jo's house last night I wouldn't even do any homework because I felt so sick and I was in so much pain. I really thought I might throw up. It's been like that all day too. I'm just now starting to feel better. I just layed on the bed and waited for 9 o'clock to come. Just kept waiting for the phone to ring. 9:30 came... no phone. I kept replaying the things I was going to say when she called. Ring! The phone! I literally jumped off the flea infested bed, which wasn't good for my stomach, and ran down stairs. I was in tears again. The second my mom said hi, I was in tears. Not sobbing like before, just a broken fauset. I couldn't remember anything I was going to say. I just listened to whatever she said. I could barely speak at all.
"Is it worse when I call?"
"I don't know..."
Yes. But it'd be even worse if you didn't.
superness. Someone get them for me!
are you ok?
not really
whats wrong?
lots of things. Mostly I just want to sleep in my own bed that doesn't have fleas
thanks for asking though. Really.
I want a bamboo brush!
And look what I bought!
When it comes in the mail I'll take me some pictures of it and get some scans for all to see!! YAY! Shower me with gifts and candy dots!
And I will become a pro at playing DDR without a mat. Just paddle and feet. It hurts the brain.
I feel like I need to workout. Really bad. Really. I've just felt poopy lately and haven't had time to.
Aaaaaand I want to go visit Luca and people!!!!! I feel so alooooone!
And.... I think these are cute. I don't particularly like the series, I just think they're cute...

as you may have noticed.. I like pictures
whew. I updated. Praise me.
.::. Lisa .::. 4:25 PM
there is a new fruits book!?!?!? i would definately like to see that.
i kind of know what you're going through right now. i am too, just differently. i'm tired of being alone but not really being alone but feeling alone and wondering why no one picks up on my frustration.
i wish you were here too.
<3 emily