Another current post
Current Vocal Artist - Junior Senior
Current Obsession - Final Fantasy IX
Current Dance Desires - DDR in Passena or Canada(hallowe'en dance)
Current Pains - eyes... tired
Current Desires to Create - Kitty hats, scarfs, patch skirt, snail purse, vector art
Current "Childhood" Wishes(things I wish I would have learned as a child) - singing, japanese language
Current "I wish I could..." - draw something(that looks good) original for a change
Currently Waiting For - card skirt, kairi necklace, FRUiTS magezine, meryl earrings
Current Fears - school, vomiting
Current Laughs Over - tamagotchis
Current Hair Obsession - Asian style, med/short spikey piggies, my own. I love it much
Current Awesome Manga - Azumanga Diaoh "Fuggedaboudit!"
Current Song - PIZZA DANCE
Current Wannabe - Jpop girl
Current Cuteness - white blocks
Current Subscription - FRUiTS
Current Video Game Wants - Phantom Brave, Okage, Threads of Fate, those awesome japanese RPGs that I could never have, Dynasty Warriors 4
Current Procrastination - Exist, finishing scarf, sending letters, breaking it to you, science report
Current Obligation - everything
Current Disgust - Myself
Current Style - layers
Current Question - How do you make a kitty hat? Why am I sick? When will I be better? Why didn't you let me sleep? Where is my kitty? Why can't I be original? Why am I asking stupid questions?
Current "Will I ever" - sleep again, make comics, sew well, crochet well, look how I want, get a hair person to do what I tell them to do, get over it, be healthy again, get rid of this headache, write again?
Current Awesomeness - Luca, Timer, cpu
Current Frustration - WHY CANT I BE ORIGINAL?! "WhiteMateria" he's a jerk
Current Anime Want - Haibane Remnei
Current Stuckethness - Cookie and Cream - the Moon boss, Arc the Lad - I forget, FFX - Sin/Jecht, Kingdom Hearts - Hallow Bastion again
Current Tears - I'm sick, I'm frustrated, I'm hurt, I'm mad at that jerk for being a jerk
Current Music -
Current Food -
Current Mood -
.::. Lisa .::. 1:47 PM