About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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I feel like chewing with my mouth open today. No one can stop me.

I'm still sick. Yuck. I forgot what it's like to feel good. I beat FF9 yesterday. Yaaaay. What a great game. I heard somewhere in the depths of the internet that there were a couple different endings. I wonder if this is true. I want to play it again and get everything I didn't get before(i.e. chocobo stuff, mognet).

I've been getting better at updating my site. Go look. I'm getting worse at updating this. See?

DDR tourny/cosplay convent. at my house. Saturday. Be there. Luca is going be a hydrogen atom.

Haha, Amy is hilarious. For those who are too lazy to click a link to someone's site(wow, I'm surprised you got this far! Congrats!) I'll just put her text here...

"there's good a reason why i try to avoid using the computer labs at school. paranoia strikes and i can't stop looking over my shoulder every few seconds to make sure no one is behind me. i start going crazy, and i try to reduce the text size of my browser window to the very smallest possible size, but it's still never small enough to stop the paranoia. i sat in the computer lab, going crazy as my eyes darted left and right to make sure my neighbors weren't sneaking sneaky glances at my monitor. a man who sat to the right of me kept breathing heavily. he wore a plaid flannel shirt, slightly reminiscent of joey lawrence from blossom back in 1995. his breathing patterns were awfully disturbing. i was afraid that he'd passed out. his eyes sort of glazed over as if he was going to die or something. i don't think i'd know what to do if he had a heart attack and fell over on his chair. i probably would have poked his face to make sure he was still breathing. i started imagining in my head little scenarios of what i would do if such an event happened, "hello, 9-1-1, there is a man who just passed out next to me. please help." but, he didn't pass out. and he didn't have a heart attack, and i didn't have to call 9-1-1, either. so much for drama."

Gee, I wish I could write like her. I wish I would write down all my thoughts. I'm constantly thinking up things like that in my head and I want to write them down, but I never do. For the two weeks we were in Florida I kept taking notes of what I wanted to write about. I already had a 4 page long entry in my head. I never wrote it here though. There are so many things I want to tell you, but I never do.

Oh right. The FRUiTS 'zine that I got was half of lame. It was mostly a bunch of girls that look like they should come from around here... ten years ago. Farmies. It reminded me of the time my oversized boot got stuck in the mud and my foot flew out of it. Just after everything stopped spinning I realized my face had dissappeared with my boot. Yay.

I need a camera. I want a super nice one with super speeeeed. Unlike the one my mom has that takes 10 seconds to snap a shot.

I love pictures. I just feel funny taking pictures of people. They move too much. I hate it when they put their hands in their face so they can't been seen, or duck behind someone or something. I don't like it when they pick out all the flaws in their pictures either. Pictures are fun. Live with it. Love it.


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