About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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Music | BoA |
Images | Rasalom HomePage |
Layout | Fallen Angel Designs |


Sorry about that outburst this morning. I wasn't doing too well. You may have noticed. This are a little better now. I'm home. I came home from school right after first period today. I felt the same as I did that day I went in to take that PLAN test. Gross. It was like my stomach was going to explode. I thought the guy next to me would notice that I desperately has my hand nailed to my mouth and my other scratching words onto my paper. It was awful. I still feel sick now; headache, yucky stomach, but not exploding.

This past week has been really rough. I don't want to get into details because it's late and I want to get to bed early. It's just that everything has been falling to so close to each other. It's more than depressing.

By the way, if you check my webbie regularly you will have noticed that it doesn't work. That's because it's gone. Died. Dead gone. Sorry. It's not very fun for me either. I thankfully have all the files backed up(somehow) and I may get it back up someday. Maybe when we get the new computer hooked up. Maybe if we can save the drive I'll get everything back. Maybe. Meanwhile, I will be curling up in warm corners with a blanket and take naps.


0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 10:26 PM


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