Amanda was a jerk today. I send my hate to her.
I want to slap her right across the face and make her face swell. What happened to her being friendly? She was always laid back, but she's gone too far.
I'm not too fond of "shit." I'd prefer her not to yell it around at lunch. She's told me before, "Slap my hand when I swear; I want to stop."
She flipped out and said it's alright to say because her mom said it was. How childish. She claims that "it shouldn't matter because some idiot just decided one day to make these words bad. Something that comes out your butthole isn't bad to say so shaddup."
So shit is okay with you, huh? But you don't want to say other things? What's the difference to you? Doesn't matter anyway.
It doesn't help with you purposly repeating it in my face with dispise. I watched every movement of your face when you turned to samantha and said the words as she kept her head down.
You are utterly dispicable. Anyone who acts in such a childish manner towards her I could never forgive.
The way you spoke to her about the reproduction discussion was disgraceful. You don't deserve forgiveness. I don't know how I can look at you now. You are terrible. I am willingly filled with contempt towards you.
Other than that, my grandma just called. She's so cute. She forgot to turn the phone off when we were done talking. Silly grandma.
Come home mommy. Feel better.
.::. Lisa .::. 4:52 PM