About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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I've temporarily stolen Jadlos' lappy so I can vent. Thanks The Jadlos. You have saved the lives of your co-workers.

Not like things have been rough enough, I have to rewrite my CL essay. Not like writing another essay is that big of a deal, it just really is degrading when I even went in to get help on it and it wasn't good enough to even get a grade. Yeah, I cried.

Jadlos, your lappy's "A" key makes noises. I'm using your AIM too.

I'm really freaking out with stress. Not vicious stress either, crying, dying stress. Let me go home. What did I ever do to you, stress.

Sam's worried about me. I feel guilty because I've actually been quite mad towards her general direction for the past few days. She not on my comic list though. I love her. She's sweet. I'm just tired of complaints.

Emily, where are you? I'm tempted to use this phone right here to cell you. I don't why I don't. I have your number right here, the class is in the auditorum. Where are you? I didn't even know you had moved. I should have mailed you. I'm a dork like that though. Get your lisence please. Come visit me. Find a bus. I'm sure there has to be one around that comes here. Start walking, I'll meet you half way.

Asher and Erika are coming up; invite yourself. Please? I miss you like cereal.

I see. Asher's talking to me. Thankyou for your AIM Jadlos. So you haven't moved out yet. Don't have a place. My room is for rent.

3 out of 4 chance that I'll have to take the english final this year. Yep. Yep. I'm starting to hate english. There goes my career.

I was hoping we could go to the Oswego this weekend like planned but seems things have changed. I won't get to visit after all. That's okay I suppose. It would feel weird now anyway.

As much as I've heard about how crappy the place is, I like it.

I'm puppy hunting. After seeing the one in the pet store, I know I'm ready now. No stupid labs. I want my retreiver.


Come to me, dear.

I want you now.


0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 11:43 AM


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