About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
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This is just a shortie to say how very frustrated I am. Actually, I'm not all that frustered. Just some.

I finally got Sam on Ragnarok(i used my other email to sign up for the trial again, which I don't plan on doing a third time. Next time I want to pay. Yes, I'm getting attatched.) so we can play together. You see, it's very not fun alone. Sure, there are plenty of people there to play with, but all I've met are bozos who think they're cool. Lameos. Cheerios. Oreos.

Both her and I have been having a great time, aside from tonight where I got lost in the desert and couldn't find my way back to Morroc. Here's the problem. She won't or can't get on until 9:30. So you know what I do? I'm a slug all day waiting for 9:30 so I can play. When I have things schedualed like that in a day, I feel like I can't do anything else. Especially on Sundays. Church from 9-12 and 6-8. Sure, I have five hours in between, which is plenty of time to accomplish SOMETHING. But I don't. I can't.

Here's a problem. Sam is like ... a mother. She takes care of everyone and makes sure she and we are responsible. That's her personality(for the most part), This isn't a bad thing. It just puts a damper on my fun sometimes. Like this. She makes sure she doesn't stay up too late so she can take care of things in the morning. So, game from 9.30-10.30 minus lisa being lost for 45 minutes.... equals not much time to play.

I'm glad she's responsible, I just wish I could do something without worrying about the time. I hate time. It's against us.


1 comments .::. Lisa .::. 10:31 PM


Silly time indeed. I've got so much of it, but never do enough with it. I'd sell you some of mine if I could =P

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:22 AM  

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