About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
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Dynasty Warriors Kingdom Quiz result: Wu

Dynasty Warriors Female Quiz result: Xiao Qiao

Xiao Qiao is "my" character in Dynasty Warriors 3. My meaning I use her most of the time, and she's my favorite.

I'm thinking seriously about cosplay now. Maybe not a convention, but definatley at home. Sam is deciding on her character(I suspect Da Xiao; then I will be Xiao Qiao with her).

Sewing isn't so bad when you stop thinking about it and just do it. That's the way it is with most things I guess. I hope they'll turn out okay.

Yep, we just decided.

Samantha - Da Xiao
Lisa - Xiao Qiao
Bentley - Sun Shang Xiang
Taylor - ....?

So... if you're wondering... we've sorted our problems out. Kind of. She apologized and I stuck my foot in my mouth. That's about it. We're okay. We were both PMSing. Not good to be the same as your best friend ^^;;;

Also, that guy hasn't been at the center since Krumpy yelled at him. I don't know if that's why, but it's been a while. It was before she left for work. He's a plain ol' idiot. It's nice being there and not stressing about competition or show. But sometimes I have thoughts like, "Would you get over here already so I can be miserable!?" Demented ^^

I'm going to submit my fanart Diao Xiao sketches to the Yue Yin site. Yay!!!


Barf, lots of these drawings are terrible. But I guess that makes me feel better.

I'm feeling pretty upbeat tonight. Not upbeat maybe, just... happy? No, I'm feeling something. Not bad. Hurray!

I feel so bad for Hiroto. His birthday was March 15th and I still haven't sent out his birthday package. I'm so sorry Hiroto. I'm such a slow person. I do have the things in a box now though.
I'm such a moron though. I'm sending lame things like candy and pins. He sent wonderful things. In fact, tomorrow I think I will take pictures of them and post them. He's such a sweetie.

Last topic...


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We'll chat more about her later. For now... I'm wicked tired.


1 comments .::. Lisa .::. 10:40 PM


Hooray for puppy!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:58 PM  

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