I've felt pretty good all day up until I got home. I like home the best of anything, so why have i suddenly felt like garabge?
Let's see, what happened today first.
Morning went well. Must have because I don't remember it. I was sleeping for most of it. Colette came over and gave me like a zillion ties!! They are so awesome! I love them all! I need to make that tie skirt. I think I might have enough now. I hope it's turns out nice.

Well, maybe not a zillion. More like 11 and two bows. And four awesome plate things.
Are these not awesome? No, they are not. They are too awesome. Too awesome for you. And me. And Shmee. Poor guy.
Mary-Lou and Julie came up too. They're neat to have around. Funny people. I wish they came up more often. Julie took me to Joe's, where I was going to participate in the LANage action. Whelp, James left in the morning, and when I got there Jared looked like he was going to throw up(I 3/4 panicked). So it was just me and Joe, which I thought was a little weird, but it was still fun even though the compys decided to mostly die.
Badmitten, explosives, balloons! and chess. Yeah, I lost.
I went to Shannon and Amanda's around 4.40? something like that. I've missed them. I felt bad about not saying bye tonight. Oh wait, we haven't gotten to the feeling bad part yet. You didn't read that. I ate supper with them. Meatloaf, veggies, and taters. It was good. But I didn't really like most of it. I like their family. You don't have to worry about pleasing people. So when I didn't want the squash, it wasn't offensive.
I enjoy going there and talking to them. I usually like people to come to my house, rather than going to their's, but to talk to them, I like being with what they know as home.
I forgot what we talked about.
We went to the C. Center together to learn that Sam wasn't there, was having a rough time at home, Bentley was cranky, Amanda wasn't feeling the greatest about something, and there wasn't any DDR that night.
Everyone always seems so happy on this side of the sun.
I ate Taylor's donuts. Oh yeah, I left home this afternoon with my bag and camera and came home with those, two games, a movie, and two drinks. Whoa. Why doesn't that happen more often?
I'm home now and feeling weird.
Here's what I feel bad about(already spilled it on mom, I hope I can remember what I said.)
I feel bad because Sam is feeling down
I feel bad because Bentley is feeling down
I feel bad because Amanda is feeling down
I feel bad because Shannon was feeling down about how people saw her hyper, younger sister
I feel bad because Asher and Erika are down, together.
I feel bad because Jared is feeling sick
I feel bad because Joe is feeling sick
I feel bad because I won't be able to go to the DDR competition
I feel bad because I won't see Erika before she leaves.... FOR A YEAR
I feel bad because I won't be able to go to Oswego this year
I feel bad because I'll probably never be able to see Emily again
I feel bad because I probably wont be able to play with same on RO anymore
I feel bad because I want cereal and I can't have any dairy
I feel bad because I'm gaiing weight
I feel bad because I want to sew, but I can't
I feel bad because I want to spend money on clothes, video games, and lots of anime
I feel bad because next week's DDR party probably won't happen
I feel bad because I don't want to go to the dentist tomorrow
I feel bad because I generally don't feel good in my mental compartment
I feel bad because 13 year olds can draw better than me
I feel bad because school is coming....
I feel bad because I want to see sam and b'n't but i know i can't
I feel bad because I'm complaining a lot.
I feel bad because I want to keep whining but I'm tired of it.
That's all.
.::. Lisa .::. 9:20 PM
Don't feel so bad. =P You try that melon soda stuff? wooosh