This was bound to happen. It does everytime. I try not to let things build up like this, but even when I try to control it, take things into my hands after thinking things through and still nothing works.
Pamby. That's what we're going to call her. Pamby the Jerk.
When someone like her crashes into your life, you're doomed. Simple as that. She'll haunt you till one of you die. We don't know who will be first.
I really don't want to talk about it much, so I'll be vague.
She's been a big jerk, that Pamby. I recently found out not only to me, but to practically everyone. I'd say she has four friends(two ride my bus, along with her) and that leaves everyone else to hate her.
Unfortunatly, I don't have my licence yet and have to put up with numerous creeps on the bus. I've made it a point to never go in on time, but to get a ride in early. Now, I have to make sure I leave the photography room late too.
First day, bus, Pamby sat across from me, before we even left school grounds....
"Move, I'm saving that seat for my friend"
I'm slow and didn't really know how to respond to that crap.
"God, you're weird"
Uh... thanks you freak. No, I only muttered the thanks part sarcastially.
"I wasn't complimenting you, I was telling you."
Seriously, that cracks me up now. What a childish thing to respond with. Really. What a retard.
That was the end of that. For that day.
Next time, she had to sit with me when the bus was packed. When people walked by she would swing in the seat(squishing me, mind you) and screech about how ugly, smelly, fat, gross, stupid, or weird the person was. Seems she didn't realize she was running into me everytime she did that because when she finally aired out her brain for a second she looked and me, jumped back and yelled, "Ah! You're gross too!"
So, from then, not only am I weird, but also gross. Yay me.
Everday from then on, then end of ninth period has been a killer. I want to leave so I can get home, but getting on that bus is something that could make a person have a mental break down. Oh yeah, that's happened.
It was the third occurance that pushed me to doing something about this. It was the first day I'd left from photography on time, and apparently Pamby comes from study hall to that gym next to the tech rooms. Well, we met and she had to bother herself to stop her million mile and hour speech with friend #4 to abnoxiously yell at me "OMG SHEZ SO GROZ@!!!!!11!"
Well, before I decided to take action, I mostly paced in the photography room after that(I'd signed out of study hall to go back to the dark room. Impossible to work in the class. Learned that today. IMPOSSIBLE). Yep, paced and whimpered and cried and shook like I was taking drugs. After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to take passive, but aggressive action by writing an essay on harrassment and abuse to the Board. I doubt it would do any good, if any at all. But it would make me feel better to let them know that what's written in ink saying that it's literally illegal to harrass other students, destroy their property, and to otherwise distract them from their studies, since, afterall, this is an educational building.
So far I've mostly only highlighted some key notes I want to put in the essay, but I have a dilema. Should I write this generally and anonimously? Or should I make it specific and give names of others that have been harrassed? And why should I write this anyway? To let the Board know that people are being teased and do something about it? What can they do? Enforce the rules for one thing. But still.... what if she comes to my house and tries to kill me? She does ride my bus. She knows where I live.
So, fourth event. Spit. Plain and simple. The people that she has named gross, weird, fat, smelly, and generally nice people that she hates, she spit on that day. I was one of them.
Today, fifth event. This one actually made me feel a little better afterwards, but I can't say what the next days will bring, and they're probably be bad ones. Too bad people can't be kicked off the bus anymore. Like, literally kicked off. When it's moving. That'd be a relief. I think plently of problems would be solved if schools started using corporal punishment again. I would love that.
So today, and yes, I'm paranoid now, they plotted. The whole time they sat right next to me and behind, and plotted. I mean really... HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!??! So, I really don't want to go through details, I'd throw up. But right before I got off they all sat themselves in a seat together, one leaned over and took my agenda and, thanks to my awesome reflexes, she barely sat back down when I got up, reached over, punched Pamby's ribs(but I'm weak and it probably didn't hurt) , used my angry voice telling them I was "sick of all their crap," and made my way to the front of the bus.
Lots of words, but it happened in let them four or five seconds. I used my angry voice. I hope I scared them to death.
As I was getting off the bus driver asked what happened and all I could tell him was that Pamby was being a big jerk to everyone. I hope nothing more becomes of this. I don't want to see her face. I don't want this to go any further than it has. I don't want her to come to my house to kill me, or to call me for threats or any of that garbage that I'm paranoid about now. Today was too far, but I feel a little better now.
I hope I scared them to death.
.::. Lisa .::. 4:12 PM
Hm I think I forgot about your corner of the internet. Anyhow yea some people are jerks. Suppose that's life. Most of them leave you alone after a while. =)