About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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Music | BoA |
Images | Rasalom HomePage |
Layout | Fallen Angel Designs |


Oh, I adore this weather. It's so hot but the wind is blowing enough to march all the springy smells of trees and flowers right through my window and they hide out in my room. It's going to storm soon I think. I love the smell of the outdoors just before a rainstorm. My lacey-white curtain is dancing and I can't stop twirling around with it.

The bow fell off my kitty keychain. It was a cute little red bow just under it's ear. I remember that two kitties came in the package so I put the bow on the second one just below its head so it could be like a bow tie on a boy. Girl and boy. I send the boy to Hiroto, but unfortunatly it never got to him. I wish it had. Now my kitty is alone and bow-less. So am I. Hiro moved to Kobe and has no access to his email and he will be there for six months. He said he would snail mail me with his new address, but sadly, none has come yet. It seems as though he left right after emailing me, so my reply didn't reach him in time. What if he lost my address? What if he can't contact me the whole time he's there? I really miss him. Where is Kobe?

I'm sorry for slacking off in my updates. I don't think I've working on my webpage for at least half a year now... I feel bad. I liked my page but I never talk to it anymore. Wah. I haven't been writing either. Here or anywhere. After I finishedmy last piece, all I've been doing is taking notes, not writing though. My plan is to create another world, totally seperate from the one we know. You must understand that creating a world it difficult. I like space and sci-fi things, but I don't understand most of it. That is a trial when I try to make my own. Maybe in this world things don't have to make sense all the time.

Someone, please buy my photos.

I took a picture of a donut.

It has been so nice out lately. Just assume that when I'm not writing here, I'm probably content.



1 comments .::. Lisa .::. 5:17 PM


Things don't make sense all the time in THIS world. =P Also, yay nice weather.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:04 AM  

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