About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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Music | BoA |
Images | Rasalom HomePage |
Layout | Fallen Angel Designs |


It snowed last night. It was so beautiful. The ground became completely covered and all became still in the cold sea. It covered all that we once hated, hiding the wrong. We are blank now.

I am going out of my mind. I cannot control myself any longer.

a·void·ance (ə-void'ns)

The act of shunning or avoiding.

Avoidance. This is the disease I've been stricken with, and for this I am being torn apart to insanity.

I feel as though I am drowning and with each precious thing that I hold gets taken from me, it is replaced with a heavy stone. I am sinking. I don't have much left to hold onto.

Yes, I know you understand you are the cause of this. You admitted it yourself. Even so, you continue to push me under further, now that this sin is off your chest.

I can no longer see the light of the sky. Am I gone forever?

There is no hope left. I am just a vessel for my thoughts. The darkness is now my love, and he will never let me go.

Current 5 (RED is changed from last current)
Current Vocal Artist - Eri Kamei, W-inds
Current Obsession - Guild Wars
Current Dance Desires - All of them
Current Pains - heart
Current Desires to Create - None
Current "Childhood" Wishes(things I wish I would have learned as a child) - singing, japanese language, dance
Current "I wish I could..." - draw something(that looks good) original for a change, stop taking care of everyone, stop being a role model
Currently Waiting For - My insanity to catch me, someone to realize how much pain I am in, a solution
Current Fears - Loss of another one I love
Current Laughs Over - Naruto
Current Hair Obsession - Eri Kamei
Current Awesome Manga - Kare Kano, Suikoden
Current Song - Suki Na Senpai, Memory Seishun no Hikari
Current Wannabe - Famous everything(singer, dancer, writer, photographer, artist...), alone
Current Cuteness - Nothing
Current Subscription(wish) - FRUiTS
Current Video Game Wants - Threads of Fate, Kingdom Hearts II, Final Fantasy XII, Valkyrie Profile II
Current Procrastination - Emailing Hiro-chan, english report
Current Obligation - Trying to keep myself alive, being a role model
Current Disgust - My life being stolen from me
Current Style - Slob
Current Question - Why can't you stay alive for me? When will you stop trying to steal my soul?
Current "Will I ever" - Stop crying for her, stop crying for him, find someone to take care of me, see Emily, get away from you
Current Awesomeness - Sasuke
Current Frustration - When will everyone stop dying? Why are you trying to steal my soul, and when will you ever stop?!
Current Anime Want -Scrapped Princess
Current Stuckethness - Cookie and Cream - the Moon boss, Arc the Lad - I forget, La Pucelle - Dragonshrooms ><
Current Tears - Everyone is leaving all at once, and I'll never see them again.

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 11:27 AM


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