About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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Images | Rasalom HomePage |
Layout | Fallen Angel Designs |


Um....my sidebar is kinda messed up sooo.....don't tell me it's messed up. I know. Just fix it!! Er.....uh.....tell me.....HOW TO FIX IT!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Where's Andrew these days? Where's strings these days? *sigh* :(

I want to be happy


Current Music: Mirai - Open up Your Mind <------this is a cool song. If you find it, give it to me and I shall delay my plan of attack

Currently eating/drinking: NOOOOOOOOOOOTHINGGGGGGG!!!!!!

Current Mood: kinda bummededededed

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 1:41 AM

Man....I wasn't in the best mood to begin with, but at least I didn't feel like poo, like I do now.
Most people look back at their childhood and see young fun and life. I look back and see an immature bimbo who thought she knew what was best for everyone.

I was cleaning out my folder(gotta do that every month or I'd be buried in it all) and finally made myself look through those millions of useless AIM chats I saved a couple years ago. Must be I thought there was something interesting or funny to keep forever....and ever ....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ever. Geez. Was I such a moron? Am I still now? Well, I came across a few embarassing ones where I thought I was being funny. The person on the other end laughed, but looking back on it now, it wasn't funny at all. I was a spaz trying to make everyone feel good. Then I noticed a folder where I had kept the 2 conversations I had with (random person)'s friend(from here on known as Wyllo). It hurts to think about it. It went basically like this....

Lee: everyone get online on 9-11! Cause that's what it says every idiot should do! WEEEE!!
Wyllo: That's pathetic
Lee: what is?
Wyllo: Everyone is making a fun day about 9-11 when people died that day
Lee: hey man, I'm just repeating what someone sent to me, so chiiiill
Wyllo: don't follow the crowd. Just follow Christ
Lee: They're not making it a fun day anyway! They just want to do something to commemorate it
Wyllo: They can remember on their own by the people's lives that were taken!
Lee: geez man, calm down you grouch
Wyllo: I just think it's pretty ridiculous to do something like that on a sad day for America
Lee: Yea yea, you just don't get it
Wyllo: YOU don't get it
Lee: psh
Wyllo: if you insist on being rude to me then just stop talking!
Lee: yea, whatever
Wyllo: thankyou

I'm such an idiot. WHY COULDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT he WAS SAYING!?!?!? Actually....I think I did understand. I was just afraid of being stupid(hah, right). Please note that this is not EXACTLY(or very close) the way the converstation was, it's just basically what was said and done.
Scene 2! duhn duhn duhnnnnn.....!!

Lee: you OBVIOUSLY like (insert random name here)
Wyllo: obviously
Lee: well, LEAVE HER ALONE XP badeee.....
Wyllo: why?
Wyllo: I don't love her
Wyllo: I'm a flirter
Lee: Well, she thinks you are serious about this and it's really kinda hurting her with, blah blah blah(insert random things here). And people are BUGGERING her about itttt!!!!!!!!!
Wyllo: fine then, i'll just pull the mute on her
Lee: NOOOOOOO!!! Don't stop communicating with her! Just cut back on the flirting junk!
Wyllo: k...
-----------------BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-------------------------- the end

But really. I feel like crap about that. I really made a change in both of their lives because I was so eager to protect my friend. MAN! I don't even learn from these things!! Ive done the same kinda thing before too! WHY WON'T I JUST LEARN!! Geez...I'm so thickheaded. Or overprotective. Gosh, I'm gonna be one good parent ><

Soo...In conclusion, if I could change that I would. I would try to fix things now, but as I said, getting involved only makes things worse. I wish I could fix things now but....what if it makes things worse? And besides, these kinda things are things I just don't know how to deal with. Somethings can't be fixed. Especailly if [b]I[/b], the master of messing things up, causes them to break. Gosh, I'm a loser.

Why couldn't I have been born a good child?

Am I a mean person?

I love you Mom!


Current Music: T.M.Revolution - Invoke

Currently eating/drinking: NOOOOOOOOOOOTHINGGGGGGG!!!!!!

Current Mood: kinda bummededededed

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 1:26 AM


Notice that my e-mail address has changed. No longer hotmail, though that one is still intact and I check it from time to time. Now I'm using kamisuka99@hellokitty.com

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 3:06 PM


To the, "Secrect Admirer" or whatever you want to be called, I honestly didn't check the guestbook till just now. And these are the things I have to say to you....

You are lame for writing something so tactless in my guestbook
You are lame for making me have to take time out of my free time to go clean up your mess
You are lame for not coming to me personally if you like me so much
You are lame for liking me at all
You are lame for being scared of telling me who you are
You are lame for posting such a thing publically
You are lame for writing my name when I CLEARLY censored it in this blog
You are lame for being lame

Now, if you want to be mature and come to me and tell me about this, I can tell you in person you are lame.

Thank you


Current Music: Ayumi Hamasaki - High Fly Voo Doo Serano Remix

Currently eating/drinking: nothing

Current Mood: sick

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 6:16 PM



But he left again ;_;

Man, am I ever bummed.


Current Music: Reiko Noda - Forevermore - The Bouncer OST

Currently eating/drinking: nothing

Current Mood: kinda bummed out alot

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 6:38 PM


Things have been going pretty good around here lately('cept for last night, but don't let me get ahead of myself).


But he's gone now.....;_;

It was so much fun!! Emily is so funny!!!! XDD I really don't know how to explain it. It was just the greatest. Poor brother was stuck in a house with five girls. I had tons of fun with E&E but I still wish I could have spent some more times with my brother. :-/ We did hang around playing Zelda for a while though. That was cool. I want him to come home now. COME HOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!! COOOOOOOOOOOOMEE HOOOOOOOOOOOOOMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

It was awesome. The greatest. Greater than that. Too much fun to express.

And I learned the awesome, "I have no life" dance and "the penny dance". YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!

Things didn't go too well after they left though. I miss them so much. PLEASE COME BACK!!! PLEAAAAAAAAAASE!!!!!!!!!! I was so stressed last night. So many things were being cramed into the one weekend and with everyone leaving and all....It's not just that though. There are things I'm really upset about. Just stuff. Stuff like, I hate school. People are so abnoxious and idiotic. No sense, NO RESPECT(a biggie for me....man I want burger king now)....and they always stick to what they think it best instead of looking to see what others think. They think there way is THE way. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ITS NOT!

I went over to Amanda's tonight for her b-day party and that really gave me a different point of view on things. I had no idea other girls had good morals. Some.

So there.


Current Music:

Currently eating/drinking: WAFFCLES!

Current Mood: kinda cool

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 9:50 PM


Updating Quiz Blog Now

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 6:13 PM

Where has the time gone? Why can't it be the way things used to be?

I'm really frusterated with life at the moment. Honestly, I have a really good life. Big house, great family, perfect place to live... Then why are things so much harder? Why am I crying myself to sleep?

Nothing can help me. No one can. No matter who, no matter how many times they tell me I'm good at something, I can't believe them. I can't do it.
It doesn't help at all when everyday, except saturdays and sundays, I am critisized and picked on about anything and everything.

Things are alot harder than before.

"People say that your teenage years are the best years of your life. They lie."

Just leave me alone. I can't get on with my life when you are in my way.

But other than that, I have found the biggest reason for my distress. My biggest goal in life is to have fun. I want to soak up life for what it's worth. I want to take it all in. But people keep getting in my way. When I want ice skating with the youth the other night, I had the most fun I've had since...since....gosh, I don't even know the last time I had any fun. But it's not that I can't have fun, it's the people around me that can't just throw down the work or stiffness and MELLOW OUT!! I mean, COME ON! Just loosen up and have fun!! I really had fun that night. I really did. Why can't anyone else have fun?

I think I'm going to keep this KFC bowl.



Current Music: ALI PROJECT - Coppelia no Hitsugi - Noir

Currently eating/drinking: applesauce

Current Mood: was frusterated earlier, suddenly happy(because I got to talk to my brother!! YAAAAAAY!!!)

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 5:58 PM


Congratulations, lee!
Your IQ score is 117

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

HOW COOL IS THAT!! I write alot, plan on being a writer and english professor AND I draw alot. Trying to get better at that too. Now I have PROOF I can do it! YAY!!


Current Music: Kamisama ga kureta hi

Currently eating/drinking: panicakins

Current Mood: was frusterated earlier, kinda bummed

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 7:13 PM


Feels like there is glass in my tounge... :(

I'm still waiting for the anime episodes to come back online. They have been down for quite a while and should jave been back up the 1st. I guess the manager has alot to do. Or maybe she's lazy. I'd be lazy if I were her. I'd be lazy if I wasn't either. In fact, I'm not her. In fact, I AM lazy.

so....if you want to check out the site anyway for when the episodes DO come back online, you'll find it here...


Happy sailing,


Current Music: none

Currently eating/drinking: little caesers pizza!

Current Mood: content again! but just a tad frusterated, face is getting ugly sores again :-/

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 5:24 PM


Everyone needs a little music in their lives. Music makes a person.

Oooor....at least I can't live without my music sooo....

Go to live365.com and listen to the station called GamerGirl which has bunchles of anime and game music and asian. So cool.

Italian dunkers today! YAY!!

Going to go ice skating with Jill on friday. I've only ice skated twice in my life. I can't even remember if I was any good at it. hmm...I'm surprised she's actually inviting ME for once to do something with her. Must be she's sick.... She's always the one saying we need to get together and do something but I'm always the one that has to make the plans. Plans are fine for a month. I keep reminding her about it everyday and she says, "Yeah, yeah, it's fine. I can still go. I'll be there" But then the night before she says she was invited to something OBVIOUSLY more important than me and nevers shows up. Ever.

Soo...I wonder what I should do friday night...?


Current Music: none

Currently eating/drinking: unfortunatly nothing

Current Mood: content

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 12:09 PM


I am so sick of taking care of everyone!! Why is it that everyone is such a baby!??!?! I HATE living someone else's life and I HATE taking care of their problems! I have enough problems of my own! I want to just live my own life and I want to enjoy it! SO GET OUT OF MY WAY ALREADY!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! YOU ALL SHOULD BE OLD ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES! LET ME DO MY JOB AND LET ME TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!!

I feel like spending money


Current Music: Rina Aiuchi - NO NEEDS - A.I.R.

Currently eating/drinking: molasess cookies

Current Mood: stressed...if you couldn't tell

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 6:11 PM