About Me
Name: Lisa
Age: 17
Birthday: 04.05.89
Gender: Female
Location: United States
Interests: -
Music: -



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Wow, I guess I haven't been keeping up lately. Ever since school started back up I've been so busy and tired I haven't even thought about updating. Tests, tests, tests. How tiring.

NYSSMA is on saturday. I'm not really worried but I still wish I didn't have to do it. I think I'm going to do fine but I still have trouble in a couple areas. There's not going to be much of a reward afterwards either because there aren't any stores where I'm going >< Maybe I can convince my mom to buy some suuuuuubs? Pleaaaaaaaase mommy? I'm a little concerned about my throat. It's hurt all week. Going to be all ouchied when I go to sing.

I said in an earlier post that I've been talking to someone from Gaia lately. He's really nice and kinda goofy. It's been fun to have someone to talk to that isn't insane.
Sooo....Thanks :)


Current Music: nuffin

Currently eating/drinking: nothing

Current Mood: nothing....I mean.....content

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 4:30 PM


Aww....Lufmaddo is so sweet. She got me Wolf Queen thinking it was the next book I needed. Aww.... But no, next book is Wolf Wing in paperback.

I REALLY need to study for this social test. It's so lame that my teacher only gave us the answers to the studyguide today and the test is TOMORROW. Geez....And we only got the packet yesterday. Oh oh, and this test is 10 or 15 questions longer then the last one and we got like a week to study.

I got my site up and I'm even getting some people to go to it! That's so cool! I still need to get some other things up there. I forgot how to publish it though so I have to wait till my dad gets home to ask him. Not tonight though because he'll be home late.

I made cookies tonight! I'm so proud of myself. They're even edible ^^

NYSSMA(singing stuff solo thing. You get graded on it by judges and dudes) is soooooooooon....I'm kinda scared. But I think I'll do good. I hope I don't choke at the last minute like last year....

I got my package! YAY! The series is really confusing...It starts out like you were in the middle of the series but it's really the first episode. I think. It says DISC ONE!! So must be. It really seems like I've missed way too much though...

Well, I really really can't say anything else right now. I have homework to doooo... :(


Current Music: Something from Escaflowne

Currently eating/drinking: nothing

Current Mood: just a tad stressed

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 8:37 PM


Everything in this library feels so sticky. How strange....

I am so hungry...I didn't get a chance to eat anything in lunch today because I was doing some math homework that I just couldn't figure out! The lunchladies clean up ten minutes before lunch is over so I never get up there in time to eat. That's frustrating. They have 3 more hours to clean. They don't need to when we're still in there.


I talked to a coolie guy on Gaia last night. I'll write more about that later. I can't now, doing social studies.



0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 3:01 PM


I'm home now! It's so nice to be back, though I had bunches of fun at the college. I had such a great time with Natto(not real name :P) and her friends! After I got my stuff in her room we went to the quad with bunchles of other girls and sang praise songs for a couple hours. Other people kept joining in too so we were all squished on two little blankets. I wasn't sure if my bum was still around when I stood up ^^; Twas fun
When we started to grow ice mustaches we decided to go inside and watch a movie. There was a dude with us so we didn't want to watch a chick flick soooooo we watch Armaggedon! That is such a cool movie! Sad, but cool! Natto was crying at the end but it was funny anyway. She was laughing with tears rolling down her face. Heh heh.
It was late so we headed off to bed but got right back up the next morning for more fun! After a GREAT speaking at "Faith"(the girls get up every saturday morning at 10 for a sort of bible study thing) and meeting a spiffy Japanese girl(she's so cool! XD) Natto and some other girls(a few from the singing and someone else) and I went for a walk some distance into the woods. It was SUCH a beautiful weekend! It was so warm and sunny. Whee! We were all sweaty when we got back so we changed before lunch and ran off there. I met up with my parents there and we got ready to leave(I bought an h-college hoodie right before we left, tis beautiful) when my dad got a call for some dude-man at work. We hung around for about a half an hour THEN left, met up with bro-ness, looked around his college(h-college is much nicer), looked at his wonderful art, the hampter, and left. Aww....

It was so nice at the college. People were laughing, having fun, smiling, singing. I can't wait to go. It's so much better then.......highschool, where people are trapped in the itty-bitty town of >neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer< and their little stupid school with their little dummy friends. Bah. Highschool stinkuth.

So, I'm home again. It's nice to be home. Too bad I can't sleep in my own bed though. I've been camping out in my old room, crashing on the futon because my other room is underconstruction. My closet is being built with wood I'm allergic to. But the smell will eventually fade away.....I hope.

Talked to Cysse today! She had lots and lots of fun on vacation! That's really good! I worry about her sometimes....She went on SCARY RIDES!! Rides I'd never go on! Like the Tower of Terror and a roller coaster! I'd chicken out and run away!

Wellies, I made a webpage! I'm so proud of myself...well...didn't MAKE it make it. But I made it. I'm going to put up a link to it so waddle on over there and take a look!!


Current Music: nuttin

Currently eating/drinking: nothing, kinda really hungry though

Current Mood: a little yucky

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 10:45 PM


AT COLLEGE!! It's nice here! I think I'm going to go here when i graduate.....as long as no one follows me. I want to get as far away as possible. AS POSSIBLE! No, maybe not that far. Maybe just a couple hours away. But in a city at least!

Not much time to chat. I've temporarily stolen Jewels' laptop and I should probably give it back.

Oh yeah, and this if for stiff people that need to stop being so darned depressed and crotchety...

Just thought someone might need to hear that. I really don't know who...but maybe someone did. And if they did, WOW! HOW'D YOU HEAR THAT!? I TYPED IT! YOU ARE SO COOL!
And if someone read that....may they not be offended, just bothered and not so crotchety now.

Badee XP


Current Music: Enya

Currently eating/drinking: nothing, kinda really hungry though

Current Mood: happy!

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 4:29 PM


SQUEE!! My poor puter was sicky.....aww....I was sad. BUT IT'S ALIVE NOW!! YAAAAAAY!!!!!

I'm leaving tomorrow! YE.......haw. I don't really really want to go. I really really want to stay home. But oh well. I'm going to go and I bet I'll have fun! YEAH!

I did kind of...a really....reallly.....boring wishlist last night. I was tired and couldn't really think of anything else to do. Soo....HERE IT IS! THE LEGENDARY ARMOUR! ....I mean....my wishlist.

That's fun.

I'm drawing a picture for Desdo! THAT'S FUN! I drew so well last night! Good thing she caught me at the right time ~.^ I'll post the picture in my art section.

I'm making MYSELF a website! YEAH! Kinda....Actually, I'm just using a free template....BUT OH WELL! It's still mine! >cheater cheater<


Going to go colour now! Colouring that picture of Desdo!


Current Music: RADIO!(it's messed up, can't tell what is playing)

Currently eating/drinking: hamburger! WE GO GROCERIES!! W00T!

Current Mood: happy!

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 7:57 PM

Man, it would be the greatest if I could do stuff for myself. But I'm always having to ask everyone else to do things for me....well, I haven't really asked them yet....but I might.

^^; squee

I should make myself a wishlist. YEAH! That'll be fun. I can't wait!

I've been going to "Go-Gaia.com" lately. It's basically just a forum, but there are things you can do...like....shop. You can make your own charater dude as your avatar and you buy clothes for him or her and other things. Like cat ears. Or tails. Or....a squishy face that hangs off the side of your head. It's pretty addicting.

It would be so awesome if I would stop being so mean and get some decent friends. Wooooh! That'd be cool.

I think I want to go to college. Yep. Not for the hard blarg work, but for the atmosphere. A wise woman once told me that "Highschool stinks. College is cool" yay! Highschool sounds cool. It's not. College sounds cool. I hope it's better. Life after that doesn't seem so cool. That's stinky.

Being a voice actress would be so much fun! SQUEE! I don't think I could ever do it though. I'm not very energetic when it comes to...umm....when..I'm not energetic.

I absolutely love being energetic! I'm not like that often though. I wish I was. I think I will be.

I'll be leaving again on Thrusday and I'll be back Sunday night. I'm always running around the state, if not out of the state. I think I'm really getting used to this traveling thing. It's not so bad anymore. But I would rather stay home. Public places are fun though. As long as it's not a park of somesort. Those are scary and weird. Bleh.

I'm kinda hungry. No food around. That's stinky. Empty pockets + Empty bellies = Empty tummies

My stuff should be here by now...my anime stuff. The stuff was backordered because something went out of stock, and they get more just for me! Oh, I'm so special! They sent it out around friday ago. Shouldn't it be here by now? Me wants me wants! Maybe it'll come today! I've been waiting very patiently these past two days. Though that's probably why I have that aching pain in my chest and throat. Waiting hurts.

http://006.tenkuu.net is cool. I'm going to put up a link to it soon. I think I'm going to change all my linkies to images to make it look pretty. Lookies pretties are nice.

I wish I had longer fingers. But I'd look even weirder with just longies fingeries. Maybe I should just start growing all over. I hope I'm growing. I've been all pained and stuff lately.

I want brownies. I should start making that wishlist thingy now, because if I don't start now I won't want to later.

What's worse than a sore throat? A really hurtie sore throat.

This is what lack of food does to me.


I started counting by eight but then I lost count really bad.

A crap. I have math homework. That's not funny. Smite math. Smite math homework. People need more fun in life. Oddly enough, fun is a big thing to me. Really important. I want to go have fun. Right now. No, not right now. I'm making a wishlist. Oh, that's fun!


I'm going to make a wishlist for my NEEDS(like food) and one for my REALLY REALLY NEEDS MORE THAN FOOD(like fun stuff) and one for MUSIC STUFFETH and one for INTERNETY STUFFETH and one for OTHER STUFFETH and....that's all. I think. For now.


I was put on the spot tonight. On Gaia I had this signature thing that was a verse in the bible saying that "if a man should lie with a man like he does with a woman then he should be put to death" because I saw a couple other people promoting homosexualizm and it disturbed me. One of the moderators wrote to me and told me I had to take the verse off because it was encouraging the murder of homosexuals. She was very nice about it and didn't make me feel uncomfortable(a whole lot). I was still kinda worried though. I mean, this is what I believe. Don't all those songs say to stand strong with what you believe in? What was I going to do? And if I didn't take it off I'd probably be kicked out of Gaia. BUT! I came up with a conclusion. The Bible also says to respect your authorities and do as they say. I wrote back to the mod and told her I was regretful to take it off but I completely understood what she meant and the Bible says to respect them. She was very understanding and suggested I put in a Proverbs verse to replace the other one because Proverbs is cool and gives a lot of positive stuff. That's cool. :) Now I need to find a cool verse in proverbs.

Well, I think that's all I can do for now. I shall update later today. Maybe. If I get to it. Twas FUN!! WHEE!


Current Music: Elsa Raven - If You Still Believe

Currently eating/drinking: nothing, no food in the house

Current Mood: content

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 2:41 AM


Well, I'm baaaack! Got back last night at around 9:30. The trip was....well.....um....long. Brace yourself....

The ride down wasn't too bad. Six hours. Not bad. I took pictures of lots of nothing on the way. The only things interesting were when we finally got to a town and I took pictures of big life savers and signs that say, "Tattoos Forever". Being there was WAY more interesting then that.

The hotel looked more like a gas station. The room smelled like smoke(even though it was a non-smoking area), the ceiling was sagging in, the air conditioning machine thing was duct taped together, the remote didn't work(surpisingly enough the tv did which wasn't so good. 2 straight days of animal planet does things to a person), the fridge didn't work(which we didn't realize till the next day, AFTER we put things in it), the ceiling was sloped up, making the lights and pictures above the beds look crooked, the lighting was atrocious, the bathroom was infested with little wormy bugs, the lightswitch was sideways, and the outlet was busted up.

.....Right after we walked in the room we went out to a dollar store and bought five or six different air fresheners.

The wedding was...nice. Pickle could stop himself from laughing the whole time because he was so nervous. The bride was coaching him along so he wouldn't pass out XD hahaha...! It was definately cute. Very kawaii.

I broke down after the wedding....
Embarrassing to admit, but I did. Not because of the wedding though. Not because the guy getting married was my first crush(that was kinda sad, but cute anyway. HE HUGGED ME! XDDD That was special)
My brother was there....I didn't realize that I missed him so much. I was already feeling down when I got there because I always get extremely depressed around Easter time. Every year since I've been a dumb teenager. I hid in the bathroom until bunches of girls started coming in. Then I hid in the car till it was time to leave. My brother stopped by before he had to go to see me. It was so hard to keep from crying in front of him. I would have had to die if I did. I'm sure he knew I had been crying though. I could feel my face getting all puffing infront of him and my eyes were getting red again. Just after I had calmed myself down. He told me to enjoy my vacation. He's so awesome.

I wonder what he thinks about me. I'm always a pansy when he's around. Always crying or being a dork when he's around. I don't cry THAT much and I'm not ALWAYS a dork. He just seems to catch me at the wrong time...
I wish he could come home.

I was really frustrated with people while we were there. Some people just can't realize that, Hey, she's in a REALLY BAAAAAAAD MOOOOOOOOD maybe I should LEAVE HER ALOOOOOONE!!!! Arg....that's annoying.

The reception was ..... nice. There were peeps at the door with a card in it with your name and table number. Of course my peep was deformed. The eyes were under the head. Bleh. I should have brought it home with me. I sat at table 9 right infront the door. It was cold and rather dark. First they brought out brocoli soup. I, personally, don't like brocoli soup so I didn't have any, but the people around me didn't seem to like it very much. They kept trying to dive it away to the person next to them! Then they brought out the ..... salad. It was sad. Very sad. That was the worst salad I'd ever seen. Not fresh at all. Looked like week old leaves that were hanging around in the garbage. Seriously. Tasted like dirt. Nice tomato though. Very nice....tomato. The main meal consisted of chicken, little potatoes, and red spice things. Spicey things I stayed away from. They looked scary. Potatoes were okay but kinda tasted like a tree. And I couldn't even attempt the meat(though everyone seemed to like it) because I have a hard time cutting meat and there were these two pro guys sitting next to me. It would have been embarrassing.

So I went and sat with my mom. While I was sitting with her cake was served. The waitress put my peice at my table so I didn't get two slices, but when I returned I found it was given away to someone else by my own sister. So, I didn't eat that night.

After all the eating(or lack of eating) people got on the dance floor and boogied. I boogied right along with them because I needed to have some fun!! OLDIES SONGS!! YEAAAAAAH! That was cool. Did the macarana. I'm really glad Jewels was there. She made it fun.

Sunday, Easter. All morning I could not find something decent to drink!!! The hotel's water was yucky, my chocolate milk was now yucky(no coldness in fridge), no more kool-aid, coffee is yucky, krumpy's water was stale, hot chocolate was WAY hot and I spilled it all over me...geez. So superman came and bought me some apple juice from that coolie donut place. That was nice of him. Well, it was really my dad's money. But superman bought it. Heh heh heh...

The service was really nice. I UNDERSTOOD IT!!! W00T! The singing was great!! They had a whole band thing, and songs I KNEW and LOVED! ALRIGHT!! I'm going to have to go to college there so I can go to that church! There was a girl in the band that shook the tambarines and boy, did she ever do a good job! She was jumping and dancing all over and getting the beat so perfect! She had a cute, pink dress on too. At first I thought she was a little kid and was like, "Wow! That girl is so good at that! And she's dancing too!" But then saw her walk out and realized she wasn't such a little girl. But she was a girl. And she was little. And the sax player looked just like my brother!!! I ALMOST CRIED!! My brother couldn't make it to church that morning because he had to work. But I kept trying to convince myself that that was him up there playing the sax. It really made me sad. I kept starring at him trying to figure it out but it made me almost cry when I saw him sing, I had to make myself watch the dancing girl instead. It was hard.

Went to Chilis after church with the kingers and Jewels. Ate good foooooood. Mmmmmmmm....I want to go back! The waitress was really nice too. She reminded me of the girl in my voice group. Heh heh heh....It was lots and lots of fun was hang around with Jewels and try to get the ice in our drinks to melt with salt before we left. Hehe!!

After eating with the kingers and Jewels, we met up with my brother and ate with him at Friendly's. We sat at two seperate tables because the booths only seat four and there were five. Krumpy sat with my brother. I would have liked to talk to him but I know I couldn't. I wouldn't be able to. Besides......um.....besides......I would have been all weird anyway because of the way I was the day before. How embarrassing.

Most of the trip was waiting...
Had to wait 6 hours to get there. Had to wait till it was time to sleep. Had to wait hours to fall asleep(I forgot to mention I had a fever the night before and maybe that night too). Had to wait hours to get ready for the wedding. Had to wait to LEAVE for the wedding. Had to wait to go INTO THE CHURCH for the wedding. ~~~They played FINAL FANTASY MUSIC!!! YAAAAAY!!! That was cool. ~~~ Ahem....Had to wait for the wedding to start. Had to wait for the wedding to be done. Had to wait to leave. Had to wait and wait and wait.

I am not a very patient person.

Well, I'm home now. That's good. I'm going to go draw. Or something. I'm going to go something.


Current Music: Megumi Hayashibara - Give a Reason

Currently eating/drinking: nothing, no food in the house

Current Mood: content

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 11:29 PM



Wedding to attend. Tomorrow. Leaving. Now. Going to be back. Sunday night.




Current Music: none

Currently eating/drinking: nothing, no time, had to warsh dishes ><

Current Mood: bleh, frustrated a bit

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 11:19 AM



Dad's building me a closet!!!

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 4:13 PM

Took a shower and I guess I feel a little better. Not a whole lot, but at least I don't feel like trapping myself in my room anymore.

I don't know what's worse....being depressed over nothing, or being depressed over something

Personally, I can handle being upset about something but it's harder because it's there. It's easier to be upset about nothing but it's harder on the mind.

Well, here are my school grades! They're not as good as last year but their good nontheless. It made me happy to see a 90 on there! AND IN SCIENCE!!

It's a little hard to read but you'll figure it out.

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 2:50 PM

So, I haven't done pictures yet. I'm sorry about that. I'm not feeling too well and I have other matters on my hands that I need to attend to.

In and earlier entry I commented on how I don't like to have my stuff critiqued. Well, I finally brought myself to posting one of my old poems in a forum. How can I ever make it better if it's never critiqued? How can I ever make myself known if I'm too afraid to show anyone?

As is, this is simple verse, it isnt ready to be a poem yet. The only device it has going for it is weak structural repetition. It at least sets out the concept you wish to portray, the feeling of Isolation, rejection, and a desire for vengance. At least you now have an Idea what you wish your piece to be about. Now you must decide what genre you wish to write it in, be it traditionalist, modernist, postmodern, etc. Once this is done recast the piece in the genre, it can be a visualization of the scene filled with rich imagery. It can be a fragmented Postmodern collection of moments, pasted together. You could create an extended metaphor, or use deep phrase and develop the meaning out of this. You could even remake it with strict form or rhyme.

Remember that everyone has felt the same way at some point and time, to make this simple statement of emotion into a poem you must present it in a memorable fashion. Increase the technical complexity while not increasing the difficulty of reading. This isnt a poem yet, but it is the place to start one.

That's what the response was. It hurt. But not as bad as I thought it would. It didn't come crashing down on me, killing my senses, but it left this lingering pain in my chest telling me something....

The problem is....I don't know what it's trying to say.

This part disturbed me a bit...

Please actually post your new piece, instead of doing as nearly every other person on here and refusing to revise anything you write out of pure laziness. It is sad, but most likely you will read this and ignore it entirely, forgeting it in whole by the end of the week. It is sad, being that this lesson is one that took me a long time to learn, and I am still struggling with it.

That's what hurt the most. Me? Ignore that?! I'm there to learn. That's why I always go to those forums. I want to make my stuff better. That's always the reason. I knew I shouldn't have. Honestly, I knew it would hurt. But I did anyway. But the truth is, I don't want to rewrite it. I'm scared.

Of what?



Current Music: Hikaru Utada - Deep River

Currently eating/drinking: nothing

Current Mood: almost content, maybe a little worried

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 9:52 AM


Birthday today! I'm 15 now. That sounds cool. F-I-F-T-E-E-N. Sounds like the right teen age. I still think fourteen was cool. Childish but not. But childish anyway.

My dad got me cute earrings!! 2 weeks and I can put them in. They're pink! I never liked pink. I was always grossed out about it because pink was the girly girl thing. Now some is okay. Especially if they're cool earrings.

Didn't do a whole lot today. Left school a little early to go OUT OF TOWN to go shopping. Started a new manga series called Pita-Ten. I know I shouldn't have started a new one when I was still in the middle of three others.....but hey, it's my birthday.

Well, I'm going to post some pictures of stuff I got later tonight.

Till then


Current Music: can't tell, playlist is messed up

Currently eating/drinking: hot chocolate

Current Mood: content

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 11:28 PM


Got board account re-activated! YAY!

Birthday tomorrow! Well....kinda today because I opened my presents today....but offcially tomorrow.

I think I liked being 14. Hated school and junk I had to put up with. But liked the age. Teenager, yet still a child. I like being a child. Helps me connect with innocence. Innocence is cool. So is being naive. That's pretty interesting.

I got a sketch pad from my "secret sister" tonight, which got me thinking....It's a bit odd that I'm more concerned about my HOBBY(drawing) then about what I'm actually hoping to do with my life(writing). Makes me kind of worried. I haven't written poety or stories in ages. I've thought about picking up the book and writing but I never know what to do. I seem to be stuck in this inbetween thing. Half of me want to write for a living, but the other half is dying to pick of that pencil and draw. I've thought, "Why don't I just give up on writing and draw for a living? Everyone else seems to think I can draw well...." Maybe I can draw well. But not good enough to sell anything. Never good enough to make anything off of it. Maybe ameaturs would enjoy looking at it for, oh, say, a dollar.


The reason why I started with the whole writing thing was because when I was little I could never find a book that sparked my interest. There were little kids books for kids who wanted to know that dogs chased cats and the sky was blue. I already knew that. Didn't need to read about it. Then the book section jumped right up into the adult books. There was no inbetween. Just pop-up books and How To books. Not much to choose from. So I started writing my own. I loved to read, but could never find anything that met my standards. I said that I knew people. I knew what kids my age wanted in books. So I wrote....Not very good, may I add, but I was little.
Now I'm older and I can write better, yet now I realize there's more out there than I thought. Everworld, Claudie Journals, Ella Enchanted.... Just like with my drawings. I've found so many other, better works, that I have a hard time keep up with my own. I love those books. I love those other drawings. But it angers me to read or look at them because I'm always comparing them with mine. I can't sit through a movie without thinking, "Why can't I think of a plot like that?" and an anime, "Why can't I draw like that!?".

One of my most frusterating traits....

But I've stuck with my drawings. I can tell they're better than my older ones, but still, they seem to be getting harder to draw. I can't think of anything to draw. I have to force myself to doodle SOMETHING before it kills me.

Writing is different. I can't force myself to. It seems impossible. I write all this in my blog all the time, but that's my personal issues. I know how to make a character. I know how to build him or her. I can create the character's world. But I can't set them free. I can't let them out into their world because I can't think of anything to have them do! What's a story that has nothing happen?! NOTHING!

What's worse is I'm terrified of critisizm. I know it helps. I know it's good for me. I know I need more of it. But it's terrifying.

I NEED to get back into the habit of writing. Problem is....I don't want to.


Current Music: Reika Noda - Owaranai Mono ~ Forvevermore

Currently eating/drinking: nothing

Current Mood: content

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 9:58 PM


Geez....my quiz section has died. All(most) the pictures are dead. The one on my sidebar did that too. Stupid quizilla site thing killed them all or something. I don't get it....



Current Music: Olivia - Into the Stars

Currently eating/drinking: nothing

Current Mood: content

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 8:15 PM


I have such a headache...owie. I guess that's what you get when you lie in bed for five hours reading and only stopping to grab some dry frosted flakes or to go to the bathroom.
Yeah, I'm not feeling well today. Throat hurts. Tummy is guggy. Body is sore. And.....stuff.

Finished off my pocky today too. Original and strawberry. How sad. I'll have to get some more. I miss it already.

That reminds me, I'm ordering some anime from discountanimedvd.com and it should be coming sometime this week! yay! That's a pretty sad "yay" because I'm only getting one out of the four things I was supposed to get. First thing I took off the list because it was kinda expensive compared to the rest and I decided to get it later.
So that's 3-4
Then one of the items went out of stock.
Still okay I guess but still kinda sad. Oh well
Then after I send them the money the other item goes out of stock.
That's sad. That's tragic. I would cancel the order completely but my sister is ordering stuff on the same list and the money is already sent anyway.

How sad.

I didn't even get any pocky.

THAT'S tragic.

After I get this order I want to get some other stuff from another site too. But I have to wait to get my ONE thing before I can order something else. Mom's orders. Since she's the one that writes out the checks and everything.

The problem is is that all the stuff on the other site is on clearance and there's a limited amount and I seem to have this problem with things going out of stock before I can get to them. I think I'm going to go check on my order now to see if they even have the money yet.

That one site hasn't updated their downloads either. That's sad.

Nope. Still pending. They haven't got the money yet or they would have shipped. Sunday is coming too. Mail doesn't like Sundays. Foolish mail. Shape up!

That's all I've been wanting to do lately. Spend money on anime. It's better than spending it on things that just go to waste.....like......food.

I hope I never have to spend money on food. I can't cook anyway. Maybe I'll just live on popcorn and hotdogs for the rest of my life. Or is that expensive? Maybe I should learn to cook maccaroni and cheese. Or bake. Or...whatever you want to do to it. I should learn to make mac and cheese. That's it.

I need to stop being stupid. It's not very nice. Especially to the people around me. Although, I don't think they really care. But maybe that's because they think I'm just like that. Well, I'm not. I think. I do. And it's not about stupid stuff. I just usually have nothing intelligent to say to people so I either don't say anything at all or I just make some stupid noise.

Oh yeah, the guestbook is KINDA fixed. Or, more like a new one because something wierd happened with the last one. And OHHHHHHHHH YOU ARE NOT LAME!!!! XDDD YOU ARE SO CUTE!

I'm sorry for calling you lame, Lufmadda. I thought you were some loser guy trying to be all weird. I shouldn't have freaked out. But I had fun yelling at you! XD HAHAHA

Oh, I like this song. I should stop writing and go listen to it because you're probably bored of reading all this gobble-de-goop by now anyways.

Ahh....advil. Reminds me of that book. She keeps advil in her backpack and gave like four to that perfect knight get when they were giving him the transfusion with two pens.


Current Music: Chara - Tsumi Fukaku Aishite

Currently eating/drinking: last half stick of pocky

Current Mood: tired, but other than that, quite alright

0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 5:46 PM

double post. Gosh, I just seem to be having so much trouble with EVERYTHING on the net these days.

How annoying


0 comments .::. Lisa .::. 5:43 PM